Class QuotaStatsNonFolderishCountAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
QuotaStats, QuotaStatsNonFolderishCount

public class QuotaStatsNonFolderishCountAdapter extends Object implements QuotaStatsNonFolderishCount
Adapter implementing QuotaStatsNonFolderishCount to have information about children and descendants count.
Thomas Roger
  • Constructor Details

    • QuotaStatsNonFolderishCountAdapter

      public QuotaStatsNonFolderishCountAdapter(DocumentModel doc)
  • Method Details

    • getIntrinsic

      public long getIntrinsic()
      Description copied from interface: QuotaStats
      Returns the intrinsic cardinal value of the underlying document.
      Specified by:
      getIntrinsic in interface QuotaStats
    • getChildren

      public long getChildren()
      Description copied from interface: QuotaStats
      Returns the cardinal value of all the children of the underlying document.
      Specified by:
      getChildren in interface QuotaStats
    • getTotal

      public long getTotal()
      Description copied from interface: QuotaStats
      Returns the cardinal value of all the descendants of the underlying document. plus the value of QuotaStats.getIntrinsic().
      Specified by:
      getTotal in interface QuotaStats