Interface TokenAuthenticationService

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public interface TokenAuthenticationService extends Serializable
Service to manage generation and storage of authentication tokens. Each token must be unique and persisted in the back-end with the user information it is bound to: user name, application name, device name, device description, permission.

Typically, the service is called by the TokenAuthenticationServlet to get a token from the user information passed as request parameters, and it allows the TokenAuthenticator to check for a valid identity given a token passed as a request header.

Antoine Taillefer ([email protected])
  • Method Details

    • acquireToken

      String acquireToken(String userName, String applicationName, String deviceId, String deviceDescription, String permission) throws TokenAuthenticationException
      Acquires a unique token for the specified user, application, and device.

      If such a token exist in the back-end for the specified (userName, applicationName, deviceId) triplet, just returns it, else generates it and stores it in the back-end with the triplet attributes, the specified device description and permission.

      TokenAuthenticationException - if one of the required parameters is null or empty (all parameters are required except for the device description)
      NuxeoException - if multiple tokens are found for the same triplet
    • acquireToken

      String acquireToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) throws TokenAuthenticationException
      Acquires a unique token for the specified request.

      Parameters needed (applicationName, deviceId, deviceDescription, permission) to acquire the token are extracted from the request itself.

      If such a token exist in the back-end for the specified (userName, applicationName, deviceId) triplet, just returns it, else generates it and stores it in the back-end with the triplet attributes, the specified device description and permission.

      a token or null for no principal or for anonymous principal unless 'allowAnonymous' parameter is explicitly set to true in the authentication plugin configuration.
      TokenAuthenticationException - if one of the required parameters is null or empty (all parameters are required except for the device description)
      NuxeoException - if multiple tokens are found for the same triplet
    • getToken

      String getToken(String userName, String applicationName, String deviceId) throws TokenAuthenticationException
      Gets the token for the specified user, application, and device.
      null if such a token doesn't exist
      TokenAuthenticationException - if one of the required parameters is null or empty (all parameters are required except for the device description)
      NuxeoException - if multiple tokens are found for the same (userName, applicationName, deviceId) triplet
    • getUserName

      String getUserName(String token)
      Gets the user name bound to the specified token.
      The user name bound to the specified token, or null if the token does not exist in the back-end.
    • revokeToken

      void revokeToken(String token)
      Removes the token from the back-end.
    • getTokenBindings

      DocumentModelList getTokenBindings(String userName)
      Gets the token bindings for the specified user.
    • getTokenBindings

      DocumentModelList getTokenBindings(String userName, String applicationName)
      Gets the token bindings for the specified user and application.