Interface TreeModel

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public interface TreeModel extends Serializable
A tree view manage a tree structure of items. The tree data is lazy loaded by using the data provider specified at tree view creation.
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Method Details

    • getContentProvider

      ContentProvider getContentProvider()
      Gets the content provider used by this tree.
    • setContentProvider

      void setContentProvider(ContentProvider provider)
      Sets the content provider to be used by this tree.
    • setInput

      void setInput(Object input)
      Sets the input data.
      input - (may be null)
    • getInput

      Object getInput()
      Gets the current input of the tree.
      the tree input data. may be null.
    • getRoot

      TreeItem getRoot()
      Get the tree root item, or null if tree has no input.
      the root
    • find

      TreeItem find(String path)
      Find the item at the given path. Only loaded items are searched. This operation will not load any extra item.
      path - the path to search
      the item at the given path or null if none
    • findAndReveal

      TreeItem findAndReveal(String path)
      Find and item given it's path and expand parents if needed. The returned item is not explicitly expanded so it may be collapsed or its children if any not yet loaded
      path - the path to search
      the item or null if none
    • find

      TreeItem find(Path path)
      Like find(String) but the path is expressed as a Path object.
      See Also:
    • findAndReveal

      TreeItem findAndReveal(Path path)
      Like findAndReveal(String) but the path is expressed as a Path object.
      See Also: