Class BlobMessageConsumerFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlobMessageConsumerFactory extends Object implements ConsumerFactory<BlobMessage>
  • Field Details

    • blobProviderName

      protected final String blobProviderName
    • blobInfoWriter

      protected final BlobInfoWriter blobInfoWriter
    • watermarkPrefix

      protected final String watermarkPrefix
    • persistBlobPath

      protected final String persistBlobPath
  • Constructor Details

    • BlobMessageConsumerFactory

      public BlobMessageConsumerFactory(String blobProviderName, BlobInfoWriter blobInfoWriter)
      Blob Consumer factory requires a blob providerName that is present in Nuxeo instance running the consumer. The writer is used to store the blob information.
    • BlobMessageConsumerFactory

      public BlobMessageConsumerFactory(String blobProviderName, BlobInfoWriter blobInfoWriter, String watermarkPrefix)
      Blob consumer that change the input blob to add a random watermark.
    • BlobMessageConsumerFactory

      public BlobMessageConsumerFactory(String blobProviderName, BlobInfoWriter blobInfoWriter, String watermarkPrefix, String persistBlobPath)
      Blob consumer that change the input blob to add a random watermark and persist the generated blobs.
  • Method Details