Uses of Package

Packages that use
  • Class
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A LogRecord contains the message and its offset.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
  • Class
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    A message position in a partition.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    A message position in a partition.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    A LogRecord contains the message and its offset.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    A LogRecord contains the message and its offset.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    A LogRecord contains the message and its offset.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A tuple to store a Log name and the partition index.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    Listener to be notified on partition rebalancing.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
  • Class
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
  • Class
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    Represent the number of messages between 2 offsets
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    A message position in a partition.
    Sequential reader for a partition or multiple partitions.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    A LogRecord contains the message and its offset.
  • Class
    An appender is used to append message into a Log.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.
  • Class
    Extends LogLag with lower and upper timestamps to express lag as a latency.
    Manage Log and give access to Appenders and Tailers.
    An identifier composed of a namespace and a specific name with 2 string representations:
    - an uniform resource name (urn) represented as a relative path: namespace/name
    - an identifier (id): encode the urn as namespace-name
    When there is no namespace, URN and id are identical.