Class NuxeoContainer


public class NuxeoContainer extends Object
Internal helper for the Nuxeo-defined transaction manager and connection manager.

This code is called by the factories registered through JNDI, or by unit tests mimicking JNDI bindings.

  • Field Details

    • tmRecoverable

      protected static org.apache.geronimo.transaction.manager.RecoverableTransactionManager tmRecoverable
    • tm

      protected static javax.transaction.TransactionManager tm
    • tmSynchRegistry

      protected static javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry tmSynchRegistry
    • ut

      protected static javax.transaction.UserTransaction ut
    • rootContext

      protected static Context rootContext
    • parentContext

      protected static Context parentContext
    • jndiPrefix

      protected static String jndiPrefix
    • registry

      protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.MetricRegistry registry
    • rollbackCount

      protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter rollbackCount
    • concurrentCount

      protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter concurrentCount
    • concurrentMaxCount

      protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Counter concurrentMaxCount
    • transactionTimer

      protected static final io.dropwizard.metrics5.Timer transactionTimer
    • timers

      protected static final ConcurrentHashMap<javax.transaction.Transaction,io.dropwizard.metrics5.Timer.Context> timers
  • Method Details