Interface ExtensionPoint

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExtensionPoint
A component extension point.

Extension points are described by a name and a list of optional contribution object classes.

When defined, the contribution object classes are the type of objects accepted by this extension point.

The extension point is also responsible for extracting contribution objects from the extension data, if any.

Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the object types of the contributions accepted by this extension point.
    Gets the comment attached to this extension point if any.
    Gets the extension point name.
    Get the component owning the base extension which this one extends.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the extension point name.
      the extension point name
    • getContributions

      Class<?>[] getContributions()
      Gets the object types of the contributions accepted by this extension point.
      the accepted contribution types
    • getDocumentation

      String getDocumentation()
      Gets the comment attached to this extension point if any.
      the comment
    • getSuperComponent

      String getSuperComponent()
      Get the component owning the base extension which this one extends.

      If this method returns null, it means the current extension point is extending another extension point and should forward any contribution to the base extension. The base extension has the same name as this one but it is declared in another component.

      the base extension point if this extension point is extending another extension point, or null if none