Class ComponentManagerImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ComponentManagerImpl extends Object implements ComponentManager
Bogdan Stefanescu, Florent Guillaume
  • Field Details

    • pendingExtensions

      protected final ConcurrentMap<ComponentName,Set<Extension>> pendingExtensions
    • blacklist

      protected volatile Set<String> blacklist
    • started

      protected volatile List<RegistrationInfo> started
      The list of started components (sorted according to the start order). This list is null if the components were not yet started or were stopped
    • standby

      protected volatile List<RegistrationInfo> standby
      The list of standby components (sorted according to the start order) This list is null if component were not yet started or not yet put in standby When putting components in standby all started components are stopped and the started list is assigned to standby list then the started field is nullified. When resuming standby components the started list is restored from the standby list and the standby field is nullified
    • stash

      protected volatile ComponentManagerImpl.Stash stash
      A list of registrations that were deployed while the manager was started.
    • registry

      protected volatile ComponentRegistry registry
    • snapshot

      protected volatile ComponentRegistry snapshot
    • descriptors

      protected volatile DescriptorRegistry descriptors
    • isFlushingStash

      protected volatile boolean isFlushingStash
    • changed

      protected volatile boolean changed
  • Constructor Details

    • ComponentManagerImpl

      public ComponentManagerImpl(RuntimeService runtime)
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptors

      public DescriptorRegistry getDescriptors()
    • getRegistry

      public final ComponentRegistry getRegistry()
    • getRegistrations

      public Collection<RegistrationInfo> getRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the registered components.
      Specified by:
      getRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
      a read-only collection of components
    • getResolvedRegistrations

      public Collection<ComponentName> getResolvedRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the resolved component names in the order they were resolved
      Specified by:
      getResolvedRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
    • getPendingRegistrations

      public Map<ComponentName,Set<ComponentName>> getPendingRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the pending registrations and their dependencies.
      Specified by:
      getPendingRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
      the pending registrations
    • getMissingRegistrations

      public Map<ComponentName,Set<Extension>> getMissingRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Returns the missing registrations, linked to missing target extension points.
      Specified by:
      getMissingRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
    • getNeededRegistrations

      public Set<ComponentName> getNeededRegistrations()
      Get the needed component names. The returned set is not a copy
    • getPendingExtensions

      public Set<Extension> getPendingExtensions(ComponentName name)
      Get the pending extensions. The returned set is not a copy
    • getRegistrationInfo

      public RegistrationInfo getRegistrationInfo(ComponentName name)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the component if there is one having the given name.
      Specified by:
      getRegistrationInfo in interface ComponentManager
      name - the component name
      the component if any was registered with that name, null otherwise
    • isRegistered

      public boolean isRegistered(ComponentName name)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Checks whether or not a component with the given name was registered.
      Specified by:
      isRegistered in interface ComponentManager
      name - the object name
      true if an object with the given name was registered, false otherwise
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the number of registered objects in this registry.
      Specified by:
      size in interface ComponentManager
      the number of registered objects
    • getComponent

      public ComponentInstance getComponent(ComponentName name)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets object instance managed by the named component.
      Specified by:
      getComponent in interface ComponentManager
      name - the object name
      the object instance if any. may be null
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Shuts down the component registry.

      This unregisters all objects registered in this registry.

      Specified by:
      shutdown in interface ComponentManager
    • getBlacklist

      public Set<String> getBlacklist()
      Specified by:
      getBlacklist in interface ComponentManager
    • setBlacklist

      public void setBlacklist(Set<String> blacklist)
      Specified by:
      setBlacklist in interface ComponentManager
    • register

      public void register(RegistrationInfo ri)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Handles the registration of the given registration info.

      This is called by the main registry when all dependencies of this registration info were solved and the object can be registered.

      If true is returned, the object will be added to the main registry under the name given in RegistrationInfo.

      Specified by:
      register in interface ComponentManager
      ri - the registration info
    • unregister

      public void unregister(RegistrationInfo regInfo)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Handles the unregistration of the given registration info.

      This is called by the main registry when the object is unregistered.

      If true is returned, the object will be removed from the main registry.

      Specified by:
      unregister in interface ComponentManager
      regInfo - the registration info
    • unregister

      public void unregister(ComponentName name)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Unregisters a component given its name.
      Specified by:
      unregister in interface ComponentManager
      name - the component name
    • addComponentListener

      public void addComponentListener(ComponentListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Adds a component listener.

      Does nothing if the given listener is already registered.

      Specified by:
      addComponentListener in interface ComponentManager
      listener - the component listener to add
    • removeComponentListener

      public void removeComponentListener(ComponentListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Removes a component listener.

      Does nothing if the given listener is not registered.

      Specified by:
      removeComponentListener in interface ComponentManager
      listener - the component listener to remove
    • addListener

      public void addListener(ComponentManager.Listener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Add a listener to be notified on manager actions like start / stop components.
      Specified by:
      addListener in interface ComponentManager
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(ComponentManager.Listener listener)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Remove the component manager listener previously added by ComponentManager.addListener(Listener). If the listener were not added then nothing is done.
      Specified by:
      removeListener in interface ComponentManager
    • getComponentProvidingService

      public ComponentInstance getComponentProvidingService(Class<?> serviceClass)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the component that provides the given service.
      Specified by:
      getComponentProvidingService in interface ComponentManager
      serviceClass - the service class
      the component or null if none
    • getService

      public <T> T getService(Class<T> serviceClass)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the service of type serviceClass if such a service was declared by a resolved runtime component.

      If the component is not yet activated it will be prior to return the service.

      Specified by:
      getService in interface ComponentManager
      Type Parameters:
      T - the service type
      serviceClass - the service class
      the service object
    • getActivatingRegistrations

      public Collection<ComponentName> getActivatingRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the pending extensions by component.
      Specified by:
      getActivatingRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
      the pending extensions
    • getStartFailureRegistrations

      public Collection<ComponentName> getStartFailureRegistrations()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Gets the components that fail on applicationStarted notification
      Specified by:
      getStartFailureRegistrations in interface ComponentManager
    • getRegistrations

      protected Collection<ComponentName> getRegistrations(int state)
    • registerExtension

      public void registerExtension(Extension extension)
    • unregisterExtension

      public void unregisterExtension(Extension extension)
    • loadContributions

      public static void loadContributions(RegistrationInfo ri, Extension xt)
    • registerServices

      public void registerServices(RegistrationInfo ri)
    • unregisterServices

      public void unregisterServices(RegistrationInfo ri)
    • getServices

      public String[] getServices()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Get the list of all registered service names An empty array is returned if no registered services are found.
      Specified by:
      getServices in interface ComponentManager
      an array of registered service.
    • handleError

      protected static void handleError(String message, String componentName, Exception e)
    • activateComponents

      protected List<RegistrationInfo> activateComponents()
      Activate all the resolved components and return the list of activated components in the activation order
      the list of the activated components in the activation order
    • instantiateComponent

      protected boolean instantiateComponent(RegistrationInfo ri)
      Instantiates the given RegistrationInfo. This step will instantiate the component.

      Allows registering listeners on ComponentManager at component instantiation, before all components activation.

      Should be called before activateComponent(RegistrationInfo).

      false in case of error during instantiation, true otherwise.
    • activateComponent

      protected void activateComponent(RegistrationInfo ri)
      Activates the given RegistrationInfo. This step will activate the component, register extensions and then register services.
    • deactivateComponents

      protected void deactivateComponents(boolean isShutdown)
      Deactivate all active components in the reverse resolve order
    • deactivateComponent

      protected void deactivateComponent(RegistrationInfo ri, boolean isShutdown)
      Deactivates the given RegistrationInfo. This step will unregister the services, unregister the extensions and then deactivate the component.
    • startComponents

      protected void startComponents(List<RegistrationInfo> ris, boolean isResume)
      Start all given components
    • startComponent

      protected void startComponent(RegistrationInfo ri)
      Starts the given RegistrationInfo. This step will start the component.
    • stopComponents

      protected void stopComponents(boolean isStandby)
      Stop all started components. Stopping components is done in reverse start order.
    • stopComponent

      protected void stopComponent(RegistrationInfo ri) throws InterruptedException
      Stops the given RegistrationInfo. This step will stop the component.
    • start

      public boolean start()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Activate and start all resolved components. If components were already started do nothing.
      Specified by:
      start in interface ComponentManager
      false if components were already started, true otherwise
    • stop

      public boolean stop()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Stop and deactivate all resolved components. If components were not yet started do nothing
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ComponentManager
      false if components were not yet started, true otherwise
    • stop

      public void stop(int timeoutInSeconds)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Same as ComponentManager.stop() but log a warning if the timeout is reached while stopping components
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ComponentManager
    • standby

      public void standby()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Stop all started components but don't deactivate them. After calling this method you can safely contribute new extensions (i.e. modify extension registries).

      If any components were previously started do nothing

      Specified by:
      standby in interface ComponentManager
    • standby

      public void standby(int timeoutInSeconds)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Same as ComponentManager.standby() but log a warning if the timeout is reached while stopping components
      Specified by:
      standby in interface ComponentManager
    • resume

      public void resume()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Start standby components. If components are not in standby mode the it does nothing.
      Specified by:
      resume in interface ComponentManager
    • isStarted

      public boolean isStarted()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Tests whether the components were already started.
      Specified by:
      isStarted in interface ComponentManager
      true if components are started, false
    • isStandby

      public boolean isStandby()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Tests whether the components are in standby mode. That means they were started and then stopped - waiting to be started again.

      When putting components in standby they are stopped but not deactivated. You start back the standby components by calling #resume

      While in standby mode the component manager remains in running state.

      Specified by:
      isStandby in interface ComponentManager
    • isRunning

      public boolean isRunning()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Tests whether the components are running. That means they are either started either in standby mode.
      Specified by:
      isRunning in interface ComponentManager
    • hasSnapshot

      public boolean hasSnapshot()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Check if a snapshot was done
      Specified by:
      hasSnapshot in interface ComponentManager
      true if a snapshot already exists, false otherwise
    • hasChanged

      public boolean hasChanged()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Tests whether components were deployed over the initial snapshot (i.e. the actual registry differs from the snapshot) If no snapshot was done returns false.
      Specified by:
      hasChanged in interface ComponentManager
    • snapshot

      public void snapshot()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Make a snapshot of the component registry. When calling restart
      Specified by:
      snapshot in interface ComponentManager
    • isStashEmpty

      public boolean isStashEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Tests if the stash is empty
      Specified by:
      isStashEmpty in interface ComponentManager
    • restart

      public void restart(boolean reset)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Optionally reset the registry to the last snapshot and restart the components.

      When restarting components all components will be stopped, deactivated and re-instantiated. It means that all references to components before a restart will become invalid after the restart.

      If no snapshot was created then the components will be restarted without changing the registry.

      If the reset argument is true then the registry will be reverted to the last snapshot before starting the components.

      Specified by:
      restart in interface ComponentManager
      reset - whether or not to revert to the last snapshot
    • reset

      public boolean reset()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Reset the registry to the last snapshot if any and stop the components (if they are currently started). After a reset all the components are stopped so we can contribute new components if needed. You must call ComponentManager.start() to start again the components
      Specified by:
      reset in interface ComponentManager
      true if the components were stopped, false otherwise
    • refresh

      public boolean refresh()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Shortcut for refresh(false).
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface ComponentManager
      See Also:
    • refresh

      public boolean refresh(boolean reset)
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Refresh the registry using stashed registrations if any. If the reset argument is true then the registry will be reverted to the last snapshot before applying the stash.

      If the stash is empty it does nothing and return true, otherwise it will:

      1. stop the components (if they are started)
      2. revert to the last snapshot (if reset flag is true)
      3. apply the stash (the stash will remain empty after this operation)
      4. start the components (if they was started)
      Specified by:
      refresh in interface ComponentManager
      reset - whether or not to revert to the last snapshot
      false if stash is empty and nothing was done, true otherwise
    • restoreSnapshot

      protected void restoreSnapshot()
    • shouldStash

      protected boolean shouldStash()
      Tests whether new registrations should be stashed at registration time. If the component manager was started then new components should be stashed otherwise they can be registered.

      TODO: current implementation is stashing after the start completion. Should we also stashing while start is in progress?

    • applyStash

      protected void applyStash(ComponentManagerImpl.Stash stash)
    • unstash

      public void unstash()
      Description copied from interface: ComponentManager
      Apply the stash if not empty. This is a low level operation and may not be safe to call when the component manager is running ComponentManager.isRunning().

      For compatibility reasons (to be able to emulate the old hot deploy mechanism or to speed up tests) this method will force a registry refresh in all 3 component manager states: stopped, standby, started.

      Usually you should apply the stash by calling ComponentManager.refresh() which is similar to stop(); [restoreSnapshot();] unstash(); start();

      Specified by:
      unstash in interface ComponentManager
    • writeDevMetrics

      protected void writeDevMetrics(Watch watch, String type)
    • runWihtinTimeout

      protected static void runWihtinTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, String warn, Runnable runnable) throws InterruptedException
      Log a warning message if the timeout is reached while executing the given runnable.