Class Assert


public class Assert extends Object
Extension to Assert
  • Constructor Details

    • Assert

      protected Assert()
      Protect constructor since it is a static only class
  • Method Details

    • assertFilesContentEquals

      public static void assertFilesContentEquals(String expected, String actual)
      Asserts that two strings are equal even if their EOL are different. If they are not, an AssertionError is thrown with the given message. If expected and actual are null, they are considered equal.
      expected - expected String with Windows or Unix like EOL
      actual - actual String with Windows or Unix like EOL
      See Also:
    • assertFilesContentEquals

      public static void assertFilesContentEquals(String message, String expected, String actual)
      Asserts that two strings are equal even if their EOL are different. If they are not, an AssertionError is thrown with the given message. If expected and actual are null, they are considered equal.
      message - the identifying message for the AssertionError ( null okay)
      expected - expected String with Windows or Unix like EOL
      actual - actual String with Windows or Unix like EOL
      See Also: