Interface TemplateSourceDocument

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TemplateSourceDocument
It is mainly the source used by TemplateBasedDocument to handle the rendering.
Tiry ([email protected])
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getParamsAsString

      String getParamsAsString() throws PropertyException
      Return the String representation of the parameters of the template
    • addInput

      List<TemplateInput> addInput(TemplateInput input)
      Add or update a TemplateInput to the list of template parameters.
    • hasInput

      boolean hasInput(String inputName)
      Returns whether or not the TemplateInput already exists, based on the name, in the template.
    • getTemplateType

      String getTemplateType()
      Return the template Type (i.e. the associated TemplateProcessor name.
      TemplateProcessor name if any, null otherwise
    • initTemplate

      void initTemplate(boolean save)
      Initialize the DocumentModel
      • finds associated TemplateProcessor
      • extract Template parameters
      save - flag to indicate if target DocumentModel must be saved or not
    • initTypesBindings

      void initTypesBindings()
      Initialize the Types2Template binding
    • getTemplateBlob

      Blob getTemplateBlob() throws PropertyException
      Retrieve the Blob holding the template file
    • getParams

      List<TemplateInput> getParams() throws PropertyException
      Retrieve the parameters associated to the Template file
    • saveParams

      DocumentModel saveParams(List<TemplateInput> params, boolean save)
      Save parameters changes
      params - the updated list of parameters
      save - flag to indicate if target DocumentModel must be saved or not
      the updated DocumentModel
    • getAdaptedDoc

      DocumentModel getAdaptedDoc()
      Return the underlying adapted DocumentModels
    • save

      Save changes in the underlying DocumentModel
    • allowInstanceOverride

      boolean allowInstanceOverride()
      Return flag to indicate if Documents associated to this template can override parametes value
    • hasEditableParams

      boolean hasEditableParams()
      Indicate of the associated Template has editable parameters or not
    • getApplicableTypes

      List<String> getApplicableTypes()
      Get List of Document Types than can be associated to this Template.
      List of Document Types or an empty List
    • getForcedTypes

      List<String> getForcedTypes()
      Get List of Document Types that must be automatically bound to this template at creation time
      List of Document Types or an empty List
    • getTemplateBasedDocuments

      List<TemplateBasedDocument> getTemplateBasedDocuments()
      Get the list of TemplateBasedDocuments associated to this template
    • removeForcedType

      void removeForcedType(String type, boolean save)
      Remove Type mapping for this template
    • setForcedTypes

      void setForcedTypes(String[] forcedTypes, boolean save)
      Update the Type mapping for this template
    • setOutputFormat

      void setOutputFormat(String mimetype, boolean save)
      Sets the expected output mime-type. If the expected mime-type is different from the output of the rendering, converters will be applied.
    • getOutputFormat

      String getOutputFormat()
      Return the expected mime-type of the resulting rendering
    • useAsMainContent

      boolean useAsMainContent()
      Indicate if the template can be used as main blob in the TemplateBasedDocument (i.e. if the template is editable by the end user)
    • getName

      String getName()
      Shortcut to access the underlying DocumentModel name
    • getFileName

      String getFileName()
      Shortcut to access the underlying Blob filename
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Shortcut to access the underlying DocumentModel title
      template filename
    • getVersionLabel

      String getVersionLabel()
      Shortcut to access the underlying DocumentModel versionLabel
    • getId

      String getId()
      Shortcut to access the underlying DocumentModel uuid
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      Return label key used for template
    • setTargetRenditioName

      void setTargetRenditioName(String renditionName, boolean save)
      Associate Template to a Rendition
    • getTargetRenditionName

      String getTargetRenditionName()
      Get the associated Rendition if any
      Rendition name or null
    • setTemplateBlob

      void setTemplateBlob(Blob blob, boolean save)
      Write accessor to the Blob used to store the template