Interface ThemeStylingService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ThemeStylingService
Service handling the mapping between a page and its resources and flavors.

Registers some contributions to the WebResourceManager for compatibility.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultFlavorName

      String getDefaultFlavorName(String themePage)
      Returns the default flavor for a given theme page
    • getFlavorNames

      List<String> getFlavorNames(String themePage)
      Returns the flavor names for a given theme page
    • getFlavors

      List<FlavorDescriptor> getFlavors(String themePage)
      Returns the flavors for a given theme page
    • getFlavor

      FlavorDescriptor getFlavor(String flavorName)
      Returns the flavor for given name, or null if not found.

      If not defined on the local flavor, flavor attributes will be resolved from the extended flavor if any.

    • getPresetVariables

      Map<String,String> getPresetVariables(String flavorName)
      Returns the map of variable replacements for given flavor.

      Returns an empty map if flavor is not resolved.

    • getLogo

      LogoDescriptor getLogo(String flavor)
      Returns the logo configured for given flavor name, and fallbacks on the extends flavor logo if not set.
    • getPage

      PageDescriptor getPage(String name)
      Returns the page for given name.

      Resources and bundles declared for all pages will also be attached to returned page.

    • getPages

      List<PageDescriptor> getPages()
      Rerurns all pages declared on the service, except the global one named "*".

      Resources and bundles declared for all pages will also be attached to returned pages.

    • negotiate

      String negotiate(String target, Object context)
      Returns the negotiated String value for given target variable.

      Context can be dependent on the target variable, depending on how this method is called/used and corresponding negotiator implementations.
