Class FilesEndpoint

All Implemented Interfaces:
Resource, Adaptable

public class FilesEndpoint extends DefaultObject
Implementation of the Files endpoint.

See Files endpoint.

  • Field Details

    • request

      @Context protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request
    • response

      @Context protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response
    • httpHeaders

      @Context protected httpHeaders
    • session

      protected CoreSession session
    • doc

      protected DocumentModel doc
    • blob

      protected Blob blob
    • xpath

      protected String xpath
    • fileId

      protected String fileId
    • baseURL

      protected String baseURL
    • wopiBaseURL

      protected String wopiBaseURL
  • Constructor Details

    • FilesEndpoint

      public FilesEndpoint()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(Object... args)
      initialize in class AbstractResource<ResourceTypeImpl>
    • checkFileInfo

      public checkFileInfo()
      Implements the CheckFileInfo operation.

      See CheckFileInfo.

    • getFile

      public Object getFile(@HeaderParam("X-WOPI-MaxExpectedSize") String maxExpectedSizeHeader)
      Implements the GetFile operation.

      See GetFile.

    • doPost

      public Object doPost(@HeaderParam("X-WOPI-Override") Operation operation)
    • lockOrUnlockAndRelock

      protected Object lockOrUnlockAndRelock()
      Implements the Lock and UnlockAndRelock operations.

      See Lock and UnlockAndRelock.

    • lock

      protected Object lock(String lock)
    • buildItemVersionResponse

      protected buildItemVersionResponse(String operation, Blob blob)
    • unlockAndRelock

      protected Object unlockAndRelock(String lock, String oldLock)
    • getCurrentLock

      protected String getCurrentLock(String operation)
      Returns the WOPI lock if not null and throws a ConflictException otherwise.

      Must be called to check that a locked document is not locked by Nuxeo.

    • buildConflictResponse

      protected buildConflictResponse(String operation, String lock)
      Builds a conflict response with the given WOPI lock as a header.

      Must be called in case of "lock mismatch", for instance when a document is locked by another WOPI client.

    • getLock

      protected Object getLock()
      Implements the GetLock operation.

      See GetLock.

    • unlockOrRefresh

      protected Object unlockOrRefresh(String operation, String lock, boolean unlock)
    • putRelativeFile

      public Object putRelativeFile()
      Implements the PutRelativeFile operation.

      New file creation is not supported, only the binary document conversion is supported.

      See PutRelativeFile.

    • createVersionFromRequestBody

      protected DocumentModel createVersionFromRequestBody(String filename)
    • renameFile

      public Object renameFile()
      Implements the RenameFile operation.

      See RenameFile.

    • renameBlob

      protected renameBlob(String requestedName)
      Renames the blob with the requestedName.
      the expected JSON response for the RenameFile operation.
    • getShareUrl

      public Object getShareUrl()
      Implements the GetShareUrl operation.

      See GetShareUrl.

    • doPostContents

      public Object doPostContents(@HeaderParam("X-WOPI-Override") Operation operation)
    • putFile

      public Object putFile()
      Implements the PutFile operation.

      See PutFile.

    • updateBlob

      protected updateBlob()
      Updates the document's blob from a new one.
      the expected response for the PutFile operation, with the 'X-WOPI-ItemVersion' header set.
    • createBlobFromRequestBody

      protected Blob createBlobFromRequestBody(String filename, String mimeType)
      Creates a new blob from the request body, given a filename and an optional mimeType.
      the new blob
    • unlock

      protected Object unlock()
      Implements the Unlock operation.

      See Unlock.

    • refreshLock

      protected Object refreshLock()
      Implements the RefreshLock operation.

      See RefreshLock.

    • getMaxExpectedSize

      protected int getMaxExpectedSize(String maxExpectedSizeHeader)
    • getHeader

      protected String getHeader(String operation, String headerName)
    • getHeader

      protected String getHeader(String operation, String headerName, boolean nullable)
    • checkWritePropertiesPermission

      protected void checkWritePropertiesPermission(String operation)
    • buildCheckFileInfoMap

      protected Map<String,Serializable> buildCheckFileInfoMap()
    • addRequiredProperties

      protected void addRequiredProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • addHostCapabilitiesProperties

      protected void addHostCapabilitiesProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • addUserMetadataProperties

      protected void addUserMetadataProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • addUserPermissionsProperties

      protected void addUserPermissionsProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • addFileURLProperties

      protected void addFileURLProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • addBreadcrumbProperties

      protected void addBreadcrumbProperties(Map<String,Serializable> map)
    • getItemVersion

      protected String getItemVersion()
    • getDocumentURL

      protected String getDocumentURL(DocumentModel doc)
    • logRequest

      protected void logRequest(String operation, String... headers)
    • logCondition

      protected void logCondition(String condition)
    • logCondition

      protected void logCondition(Supplier<String> condition)
    • logNuxeoAction

      protected void logNuxeoAction(String action)
    • logNuxeoAction

      protected void logNuxeoAction(Supplier<String> action)
    • logResponse

      protected void logResponse(String operation, int status, String... headers)
    • logResponse

      protected void logResponse(String operation, int status, Object entity, String... headers)
    • getHeaderString

      protected String getHeaderString(String... headers)
    • getEntityString

      protected String getEntityString(Object entity)