Class AuditChangeFinder

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditChangeFinder

        public AuditChangeFinder()
    • Method Detail

      • getFileSystemChanges

        public List<FileSystemItemChange> getFileSystemChanges​(CoreSession session,
                                                               Set<IdRef> lastActiveRootRefs,
                                                               SynchronizationRoots activeRoots,
                                                               Set<String> collectionSyncRootMemberIds,
                                                               long lowerBound,
                                                               long upperBound,
                                                               int limit)
        Description copied from interface: FileSystemChangeFinder
        Gets the changes in the repository against which the given session is bound for the given synchronization root paths, between the given lower and upper integer bounds and without exceeding the given limit. The change summaries are mapped back to the file system view: the file system items might not always have the same tree layout as the backing documents in the repositories but this is a back-end detail that the client does not have to deal with.
        Specified by:
        getFileSystemChanges in interface FileSystemChangeFinder
        session - the session bound to a specific repository
        lastActiveRootRefs - docrefs of the roots as reported by the last successful synchronization (can be empty or null)
        activeRoots - the currently active synchronization roots
        collectionSyncRootMemberIds - the collection sync root member ids
        lowerBound - the lower integer bound of the range clause in the change query
        upperBound - the upper integer bound of the range clause in the change query. This id is typically obtained by calling FileSystemChangeFinder.getUpperBound()
        limit - the maximum number of changes to fetch
        the list of document changes
      • getUpperBound

        public long getUpperBound()
        Returns the last available log id in the audit log table (primary key) to be used as the upper bound of the event log id range clause in the change query.
        Specified by:
        getUpperBound in interface FileSystemChangeFinder
      • getCollectionSyncRootFilteringClause

        protected String getCollectionSyncRootFilteringClause​(Set<String> collectionSyncRootMemberIds,
                                                              Map<String,​Object> params)
      • getJPARangeClause

        protected String getJPARangeClause​(long lowerBound,
                                           long upperBound,
                                           Map<String,​Object> params)
        Using event log id to ensure consistency, see