Interface Mapper

    • Method Detail

      • scroll

        ScrollResult<String> scroll​(String query,
                                    int batchSize,
                                    int keepAliveSeconds)
        Executes the given query and returns the first batch of results containing id of documents, next batch must be requested within the keepAliveSeconds delay.
      • scroll

        ScrollResult<String> scroll​(String query,
                                    QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                    int batchSize,
                                    int keepAliveSeconds)
        Executes the given query and returns the first batch of results containing id of documents, next batch must be requested within the keepAliveSeconds delay.
      • scroll

        ScrollResult<String> scroll​(String scrollId)
        Get the next batch of results containing id of documents, the scrollId is part of the previous ScrollResult response.
      • getIdentification

        Mapper.Identification getIdentification()
        Returns the repository id and mapper id assigned.

        This is used in remote stateless mode to be able to identify to which mapper an incoming connection is targeted, and from which repository instance.

        the repository and mapper identification
      • close

        void close()
      • getTableSize

        int getTableSize​(String tableName)
      • getRootId

        Serializable getRootId​(String repositoryId)
        Gets the root id for a given repository, if registered.
        repositoryId - the repository id
        the root id, or null if not found
      • setRootId

        void setRootId​(Serializable repositoryId,
                       Serializable id)
        Records the newly generated root id for a given repository.
        repositoryId - the repository id, usually 0
        id - the root id
      • query

        PartialList<Serializable> query​(String query,
                                        String queryType,
                                        QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                        boolean countTotal)
        Makes a NXQL query to the database.
        query - the query
        queryType - the query type
        queryFilter - the query filter
        countTotal - if true, count the total size without limit/offset
        the list of matching document ids
      • query

        PartialList<Serializable> query​(String query,
                                        String queryType,
                                        QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                        long countUpTo)
        Makes a NXQL query to the database.
        query - the query
        queryType - the query type
        queryFilter - the query filter
        countUpTo - if -1, count the total size without offset/limit.
        If 0, don't count the total size.
        If n, count the total number if there are less than n documents otherwise set the size to -1.
        the list of matching document ids
      • queryAndFetch

        IterableQueryResult queryAndFetch​(String query,
                                          String queryType,
                                          QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                          boolean distinctDocuments,
                                          Object... params)
        Makes a query to the database and returns an iterable (which must be closed when done).
        query - the query
        queryType - the query type
        queryFilter - the query filter
        distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
        params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
        an iterable, which must be closed when done
      • queryProjection

        PartialList<Map<String,​Serializable>> queryProjection​(String query,
                                                                    String queryType,
                                                                    QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                                                    boolean distinctDocuments,
                                                                    long countUpTo,
                                                                    Object... params)
        Makes a query to the database.
        query - the query
        queryType - the query type
        queryFilter - the query filter
        distinctDocuments - if true then a maximum of one row per document will be returned
        countUpTo - if -1, also count the total size without offset/limit.
        If 0, don't count the total size.
        If n, count the total number if there are less than n documents otherwise set the size to -1.
        params - optional query-type-dependent parameters
        a projection
        7.10-HF-25, 8.10-HF06, 9.2
      • getAncestorsIds

        Set<Serializable> getAncestorsIds​(Collection<Serializable> ids)
        Gets the ids for all the ancestors of the given row ids.
        ids - the ids
        the set of ancestor ids
      • updateReadAcls

        void updateReadAcls()
      • rebuildReadAcls

        void rebuildReadAcls()
      • getClusterNodeIdType

        int getClusterNodeIdType()
      • createClusterNode

        void createClusterNode​(Serializable nodeId)
        Informs the cluster that this node exists.
      • removeClusterNode

        void removeClusterNode​(Serializable nodeId)
        Removes this node from the cluster.
      • insertClusterInvalidations

        void insertClusterInvalidations​(Serializable nodeId,
                                        VCSInvalidations invalidations)
        Inserts the invalidation rows for the other cluster nodes.
      • getClusterInvalidations

        VCSInvalidations getClusterInvalidations​(Serializable nodeId)
        Gets the invalidations from other cluster nodes.
      • markReferencedBlobs

        void markReferencedBlobs​(BiConsumer<String,​String> markerCallback)
        Marks the blobs in use by passing them to the provided callback (taking the blob key and the repository name).
      • cleanupDeletedRows

        int cleanupDeletedRows​(int max,
                               Calendar beforeTime)
        Cleans up (hard-delete) any rows that have been soft-deleted in the database.
        max - the maximum number of rows to delete at a time
        beforeTime - the maximum deletion time of the rows to delete
        the number of rows deleted