Interface FileSystemItem

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FileItem, FolderItem
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDocumentBackedFileSystemItem, AbstractFileSystemItem, AbstractVirtualFolderItem, CollectionSyncRootFolderItem, DefaultSyncRootFolderItem, DefaultTopLevelFolderItem, DocumentBackedFileItem, DocumentBackedFolderItem, ESSyncRootFolderItem, PermissionTopLevelFolderItem, SharedSyncRootParentFolderItem, SimpleFileSystemItem, UserSyncRootParentFolderItem, UserWorkspaceSyncRootParentFolderItem, UserWorkspaceTopLevelFolderItem

public interface FileSystemItem extends Comparable<FileSystemItem>
Representation of a file system item, typically a file or a folder.
Antoine Taillefer
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Gets a unique id generated server-side.
    • getParentId

      String getParentId()
      Gets the parent FileSystemItem id.
    • getPath

      String getPath()
      A concatenation of ancestor ids with '/' as prefix and separator.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name displayed in the file system.
    • isFolder

      boolean isFolder()
    • getCreator

      String getCreator()
    • getLastContributor

      String getLastContributor()
    • getCreationDate

      Calendar getCreationDate()
    • getLastModificationDate

      Calendar getLastModificationDate()
    • getCanRename

      boolean getCanRename()
    • rename

      void rename(String name)
    • getCanDelete

      boolean getCanDelete()
    • delete

      void delete()
    • getLockInfo

      Lock getLockInfo()
    • canMove

      boolean canMove(FolderItem dest)
    • move