Class RemovedProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<Property>, Property

public class RemovedProperty extends AbstractProperty
Property used to declare property removed from schema.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • fieldName

      protected final String fieldName
    • fallback

      protected final Property fallback
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • internalSetValue

      public void internalSetValue(Serializable value) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from class: AbstractProperty
      Sets the given normalized value.

      This applies only for nodes that physically store a value (that means non container nodes). Container nodes does nothing.

      Specified by:
      internalSetValue in class AbstractProperty
    • internalGetValue

      public Serializable internalGetValue() throws PropertyException
      Specified by:
      internalGetValue in class AbstractProperty
    • newRemovedMessage

      protected StringBuilder newRemovedMessage()
    • getRemovedParent

      protected RemovedProperty getRemovedParent()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Gets the property name.
      the property name
    • getType

      public Type getType()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Get the type of the field corresponding to this property.
      the property type
    • isContainer

      public boolean isContainer()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Whether this property is a container - this means the property value is a map or a list.

      Container properties don't have a scalar values. Container values are computed each time they are requested - by calling on of the getValue methods - by collecting the values of the child properties.

      true if scalar false otherwise
    • getChildren

      public Collection<Property> getChildren()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Get a collection over the children properties. This includes all children including phantom ones (those who are not yet set by the user).

      The returned collection is ordered for list properties, and unordered for complex properties

      Be aware that this method is creating phantom child properties for all schema fields that are not yet set.

      the children properties
    • get

      public Property get(String name) throws PropertyNotFoundException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Gets the child property having the given name.

      If the property is a scalar, this will return always null.

      The given name should be the full name (i.e. prefixed name if any prefix exists).

      If a non prefixed name is given, the first child property having the given local name will be returned.

      Relative paths are not resolved. THis method is intended to lookup direct children. For path lookups use Property.resolvePath(String) instead.

      name - the child property name (the full name including the prefix if any)
      the child property if any null if no child property with that name is found or if the property is a scalar
      PropertyNotFoundException - if the child property is not found in the type definition
    • get

      public Property get(int index) throws PropertyNotFoundException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Get the child property given it's index. This operation is mandatory for List properties.

      If this method is not supported an UnsupportedOperationException must be thrown

      Relative paths are not resolved. THis method is intended to lookup direct chilren. For path lookups, use Property.resolvePath(String) instead.

      the child property if any null if no child property with that name is found or if the property is a scalar
      PropertyNotFoundException - if the child property is not found in the type definition
    • set

      public void set(String name, Property property) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Sets the child property having the given name.

      The given name should be the full name (i.e. prefixed name if any prefix exists).

      If a non prefixed name is given, the first child property having the given local name will be returned.

      Relative paths are not resolved. This method is intended to lookup direct children. For path lookups use Property.resolvePath(String) instead.

      name - the child property name (the full name including the prefix if any)
      property - the child property to set
      PropertyNotFoundException - if the child property is not found in the type definition
    • addValue

      public Property addValue(Object value) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Appends a new value to the list. A new property will be created to store the given value and appended to the children list.

      The created property will be marked as Property.isNew().

      the added property
    • addValue

      public Property addValue(int index, Object value) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Inserts at the given position a new value to the list. A new property will be created to store the given value and appended to the children list.

      The created property will be marked as Property.isNew().

      index - the position to insert the value
      the added property
    • addEmpty

      public Property addEmpty() throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Creates an empty child property and adds it as a property to the list container.

      This method is useful to construct lists.

      the created property
    • getField

      public Field getField()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Gets the field corresponding to this property.

      The field is the object defining the property. You can see the field as a java class and the property as a class instance

    • accept

      public void accept(PropertyVisitor visitor, Object arg) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Method that implement the visitor pattern.

      The visitor must return null to stop visiting children otherwise a context object that will be passed as the arg argument to children

      visitor - the visitor to accept
      arg - an argument passed to the visitor. This should be used by the visitor to carry on the visiting context.
    • isSameAs

      public boolean isSameAs(Property property) throws PropertyException
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Compare the two properties by content.
      true If the properties have a similar content, otherwise false
    • getDirtyChildren

      public Iterator<Property> getDirtyChildren()
      Description copied from interface: Property
      Gets an iterator over the dirty children properties.
      the iterator