Interface Event

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EventImpl, ShallowEvent

public interface Event extends Serializable
A lightweight object used by core components to notify interested components about events in core.

These events should be used by all core components not only by the repository.

There are 2 post commit control flags:

  • INLINE - if true the event will not be recorded as part of the post commit event bundle. Defaults to false.
  • COMMIT - the event will simulate a commit so that the post commit event bundle will be fired. TYhe COMMIT flag is ignored while in a transaction.
More flags may be added in the future.
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the event name.

      The name must be unique. It is recommended to use prefixes in the style of java package names to differentiate between similar events that are sent by different components.

    • getTime

      long getTime()
      The time stamp when the event was raised.
      the time stamp as returned by System.currentTimeMillis()
    • getContext

      EventContext getContext()
      Gets the event context.

      Event contexts give access to the context in which the the event was raised. Event contexts are usually identifying the operation that raised the event. The context is exposing data objects linked to the event like documents and also may give access to the operation that raised the event allowing thus to canceling the operation, to record time spent to set the result status etc.

      the event context
    • getFlags

      int getFlags()
      Gets the set of event flags
      the event flags
    • cancel

      void cancel()
      Cancels this event.

      This can be used by event listeners to exit the event notification. Remaining event listeners will no more be notified. Note that this is not canceling the underlying operation if any.

    • isCanceled

      boolean isCanceled()
      Checks whether the event was canceled.
      true if canceled, false otherwise.
    • markBubbleException

      void markBubbleException()
      Marks the event to bubble the Exception thrown by a listener.

      This will exit the event listeners loop. The transaction won't be rollbacked, but the Exception will be thrown by the EventService.

    • isBubbleException

      boolean isBubbleException()
      Returns true if the event was marked to bubble the Exception, false otherwise.
    • markRollBack

      void markRollBack()
      Marks transaction for RollBack

      This will exit the event listeners loop and throw a RuntimeException In JTA container, this will make the global transaction rollback.

    • markRollBack

      void markRollBack(String message, Exception exception)
      Marks transaction for RollBack

      This will exit the event listeners loop and throw a RuntimeException In JTA container, this will make the global transaction rollback.

      message - message that explains the reason of the Rollback
      exception - associated Exception that explains the Rollback if any
    • isMarkedForRollBack

      boolean isMarkedForRollBack()
      Checks whether the event was marked for RollBack
      true if rolled back, false otherwise.
    • getRollbackException

      Exception getRollbackException()
      Returns the Exception associated the RollBack if any
      the Exception associated the RollBack if any
    • getRollbackMessage

      String getRollbackMessage()
      Returns the message associated to the RollBack if any
      the message associated to the RollBack if any
    • isInline

      boolean isInline()
      Whether this event must not be added to a bundle. An event is not inline by default.
      true if the event must be omitted from event bundles, false otherwise.
    • setInline

      void setInline(boolean isInline)
      Set the inline flag.
      isInline - true if the event must not be recorded as part of the transaction
      See Also:
    • isCommitEvent

      boolean isCommitEvent()
      Tests whether or not this is a commit event. A commit event is triggering the post commit notification and then is reseting the recorded events.
      true if a commit event false otherwise
    • setIsCommitEvent

      void setIsCommitEvent(boolean isCommit)
      Set the commit flag.
      See Also:
    • isLocal

      @Deprecated default boolean isLocal()
      since 10.3
    • setLocal

      @Deprecated default void setLocal(boolean isLocal)
      since 10.3
    • isPublic

      @Deprecated default boolean isPublic()
      since 10.3
    • setPublic

      @Deprecated default void setPublic(boolean isPublic)
      since 10.3
    • isImmediate

      boolean isImmediate()
      Tests if event is Immediate

      Immediate events are sent in bundle without waiting for a commit

      true if event is immediate, false otherwise
    • setImmediate

      void setImmediate(boolean immediate)
      Sets the immediate flag.