Interface EventService

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public interface EventService extends EventProducer
The event service manages listener registries and notifies listeners about core events.

The service is able to run in a transactional mode where all events are recorded and fired after the transaction commits in one step as an event bundle.

To start a transaction, the framework calls the transactionStarted() method, and at transaction commit the framework calls transactionCommitted() to fire the event bundle. Upon rollback the framework calls transactionRolledback() to clean up recorded events.

Events are recorded in a thread variable so they are valid only in the current thread.

An event marked Event.isInline() is dispatched immediately, otherwise it is recorded in a thread-based bundle of current events. If no transaction was started, an event marked Event.isCommitEvent() is used to flush the event bundle to its listeners, otherwise the transaction commit does the flush.

Listeners are of two types: EventListener notified as the event is raised and PostCommitEventListener notified after the transaction was committed.

  • Method Details

    • addEventListener

      void addEventListener(EventListenerDescriptor listener)
      Adds a new event listener. Used by the framework.

      The event listener is described by a EventListenerDescriptor that may specify a priority. Both types of listeners (immediate and post-commit) are registered.

      listener - the listener to add
    • removeEventListener

      void removeEventListener(EventListenerDescriptor listener)
      Removes an event listener. Used by the framework.
      listener - the listener to remove
    • fireEvent

      void fireEvent(String name, EventContext context)
      Fires an event given its name and a context.
      name - the event name
      context - the event context
    • fireEvent

      void fireEvent(Event event)
      Fires an event.

      If a transaction was started, the event is registered if needed to be sent after the transaction commit.

      Specified by:
      fireEvent in interface EventProducer
      event - the event to fire
    • fireEventBundle

      void fireEventBundle(EventBundle event)
      Fires all recorded events in a transaction. Used by the framework.

      The events are fired to PostCommitEventListener listeners. Events are fired in the form of an event bundle.

      Specified by:
      fireEventBundle in interface EventProducer
      event - the event bundle
    • fireEventBundleSync

      void fireEventBundleSync(EventBundle event)
      Fires an event bundle in synchronous mode. Used by the framework.

      This means that asynchronous listeners will be run synchronously.

    • getEventListeners

      List<EventListener> getEventListeners()
      Gets the list of the registered event listeners.

      Modification on this list will not modify the internal lists in this EventService.

      the event listeners
    • getPostCommitEventListeners

      List<PostCommitEventListener> getPostCommitEventListeners()
      Get the list of the registered post commit event listeners.

      Modification on this list will not modify the internal lists in this EventService.

      the post commit event listeners
    • getEventListener

      EventListenerDescriptor getEventListener(String name)
      Gets the event listener descriptor corresponding to the give name.
      name - the event listener name
      the descriptor, or null if not found
    • waitForAsyncCompletion

      void waitForAsyncCompletion()
      Waits until all asynchronous tasks are finished.
    • waitForAsyncCompletion

      void waitForAsyncCompletion(long timeout)
      Waits until all asynchronous tasks are finished, but waits no longer than the given number of milliseconds.
      timeout - the maximum time to wait for, in milliseconds
    • createDomainEventProducers

      List<DomainEventProducer> createDomainEventProducers()
      Creates the registered domain event producers.