Class DocumentTypeJsonWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Marshaller<DocumentType>, Writer<DocumentType>

@Setup(mode=SINGLETON, priority=2001) public class DocumentTypeJsonWriter extends ExtensibleEntityJsonWriter<DocumentType>
Convert DocumentType to Json.

This marshaller is enrichable: register class implementing AbstractJsonEnricher and managing DocumentType.

This marshaller is also extensible: extend it and simply override ExtensibleEntityJsonWriter.extend(Object, JsonGenerator).

Format is:

   "name": "DOC_TYPE_NAME",
   "parent": null|"DOC_TYPE_PARENT"
   "facets": [ "FACET1", "FACET2", ... ],
   "schemas": [ { see SchemaJsonWriter for format }, { ... }, ... ],
             <-- contextParameters if there are enrichers activated
             <-- additional property provided by extend() method