Class JDBCRowMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JDBCRowMapper extends JDBCConnection implements RowMapper
A JDBCRowMapper maps Rows to and from a JDBC database.
  • Field Details


      public static final int UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final int DEBUG_MAX_TREE
      See Also:

      public static final String COLLECTION_DELETE_BEFORE_APPEND_PROP
      Property to determine whether collection appends delete all then re-insert, or are optimized for append.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • receiveInvalidations

      public VCSInvalidations receiveInvalidations()
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Processes and returns the invalidations queued for processing by the cache (if any).

      Called pre-transaction by session start or transactionless save;

      Specified by:
      receiveInvalidations in interface RowMapper
      the invalidations, or null
    • sendInvalidations

      public void sendInvalidations(VCSInvalidations invalidations)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Post-transaction invalidations notification.

      Called post-transaction by session commit/rollback or transactionless save.

      Specified by:
      sendInvalidations in interface RowMapper
      invalidations - the known invalidations to send to others, or null
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache()
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Clears the mapper's cache (if any)

      Called after a rollback, or a manual clear through RepositoryStatus MBean.

      Specified by:
      clearCache in interface RowMapper
    • getCacheSize

      public long getCacheSize()
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Evaluate the cached elements size
      Specified by:
      getCacheSize in interface RowMapper
    • rollback

      public void rollback()
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Rollback the transaction.

      This is in the RowMapper interface because on rollback the cache must be invalidated.

      Specified by:
      rollback in interface RowMapper
    • getCollectionIO

      protected CollectionIO getCollectionIO(String tableName)
    • generateNewId

      public Serializable generateNewId()
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Computes a new unique id.
      Specified by:
      generateNewId in interface RowMapper
      a new unique id
    • read

      public List<? extends RowId> read(Collection<RowId> rowIds, boolean cacheOnly)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Reads a set of rows for the given RowIds.

      For each requested row, either a Row is found and returned, or a RowId (not implementing Row) is returned to signify an absent row.

      Specified by:
      read in interface RowMapper
      rowIds - the row ids (including their table name)
      cacheOnly - if true, only hit memory
      the collection of Rows (or RowIds if the row was absent from the database). Order is not the same as the input rowIds
    • readSimpleRows

      protected List<Row> readSimpleRows(String tableName, Collection<Serializable> ids)
      Gets a list of rows for SimpleFragments from the database, given the table name and the ids.
      tableName - the table name
      ids - the ids
      the list of rows, without the missing ones
    • readCollectionArrays

      protected List<Row> readCollectionArrays(String tableName, Collection<Serializable> ids)
      Reads several collection rows, given a table name and the ids.
      tableName - the table name
      ids - the ids
    • getSelectRows

      protected List<Row> getSelectRows(String tableName, SQLInfo.SQLInfoSelect select, Map<String,Serializable> criteriaMap, Map<String,Serializable> joinMap, boolean limitToOne)
      Fetches the rows for a select with fixed criteria given as two maps (a criteriaMap whose values and up in the returned rows, and a joinMap for other criteria).
    • write

      public void write(RowMapper.RowBatch batch)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Writes a set of rows. This includes creating, updating and deleting rows.
      Specified by:
      write in interface RowMapper
      batch - the set of rows and the operations to do on them
    • writeCreates

      protected void writeCreates(List<Row> creates)
    • writeUpdates

      protected void writeUpdates(Set<RowMapper.RowUpdate> updates)
    • writeDeletes

      protected void writeDeletes(Collection<RowId> deletes)
    • insertSimpleRows

      protected void insertSimpleRows(String tableName, List<Row> rows)
      Inserts multiple rows, all for the same table.
    • insertCollectionRows

      protected void insertCollectionRows(String tableName, List<RowMapper.RowUpdate> rowus)
      Updates multiple collection rows, all for the same table.
    • updateSimpleRows

      protected void updateSimpleRows(String tableName, List<RowMapper.RowUpdate> rows)
      Updates multiple simple rows, all for the same table.
    • updateCollectionRows

      protected void updateCollectionRows(String tableName, List<RowMapper.RowUpdate> rowus)
    • deleteRows

      protected void deleteRows(String tableName, Set<Serializable> ids)
      Deletes multiple rows, all for the same table.
    • deleteRowsSoft

      protected void deleteRowsSoft(List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> nodeInfos)
    • doSoftDeleteRows

      protected void doSoftDeleteRows(List<Serializable> ids) throws SQLException
    • newIdArray

      protected Serializable newIdArray(Collection<Serializable> ids)
    • setToPreparedStatementIdArray

      protected void setToPreparedStatementIdArray(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Serializable idArray) throws SQLException
    • cleanupDeletedRows

      public int cleanupDeletedRows(int max, Calendar beforeTime)
      Clean up soft-deleted rows.

      Rows deleted more recently than the beforeTime are left alone. Only a limited number of rows may be deleted, to prevent transaction during too long.

      max - the maximum number of rows to delete at a time
      beforeTime - the maximum deletion time of the rows to delete
      the number of rows deleted
    • deleteRowsDirect

      protected void deleteRowsDirect(String tableName, Collection<Serializable> ids)
    • readSimpleRow

      public Row readSimpleRow(RowId rowId)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Gets a row for a SimpleFragment from the database, given its table name and id. If the row doesn't exist, null is returned.
      Specified by:
      readSimpleRow in interface RowMapper
      rowId - the row id
      the row, or null
    • getBinaryFulltext

      public Map<String,String> getBinaryFulltext(RowId rowId)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Gets the fulltext extracted from the binary fields.
      Specified by:
      getBinaryFulltext in interface RowMapper
      rowId - the row id
      the fulltext string representation or null if unsupported
    • readCollectionRowArray

      public Serializable[] readCollectionRowArray(RowId rowId)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Gets an array for a CollectionFragment from the database, given its table name and id. If no rows are found, an empty array is returned.
      Specified by:
      readCollectionRowArray in interface RowMapper
      rowId - the row id
      the array
    • readSelectionRows

      public List<Row> readSelectionRows(SelectionType selType, Serializable selId, Serializable filter, Serializable criterion, boolean limitToOne)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Reads the rows corresponding to a selection.
      Specified by:
      readSelectionRows in interface RowMapper
      selType - the selection type
      selId - the selection id (parent id for a hierarchy selection)
      filter - the filter value (name for a hierarchy selection)
      criterion - an optional additional criterion depending on the selection type (complex prop flag for a hierarchy selection)
      limitToOne - whether to stop after one row retrieved
      the list of rows
    • readSelectionsIds

      public Set<Serializable> readSelectionsIds(SelectionType selType, List<Serializable> values)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Gets all the selection ids for a given list of values.
      Specified by:
      readSelectionsIds in interface RowMapper
    • copy

      public RowMapper.CopyResult copy(RowMapper.IdWithTypes source, Serializable destParentId, String destName, Row overwriteRow, boolean excludeSpecialChildren, boolean excludeACL)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Copies the hierarchy starting from a given row to a new parent with a new name.

      If the new parent is null, then this is a version creation, which doesn't recurse in regular children.

      If overwriteRow is passed, the copy is done onto this existing node as its root (version restore) instead of creating a new node in the parent.

      Specified by:
      copy in interface RowMapper
      source - the id, primary type and mixin types of the row to copy
      destParentId - the new parent id, or null
      destName - the new name
      overwriteRow - when not null, the copy is done onto this existing row, and the values are set in hierarchy
      excludeSpecialChildren - the flag to exclude special children from copy
      excludeACL - the flag to exclude ACL from copy
      info about the copy
    • updateSimpleRowWithValues

      protected void updateSimpleRowWithValues(String tableName, Row row)
      Updates a row in the database with given explicit values.
    • copyHierRecursive

      protected Serializable copyHierRecursive(RowMapper.IdWithTypes source, Serializable parentId, String name, Serializable overwriteId, boolean resetVersion, Map<Serializable,Serializable> idMap, Map<Serializable,RowMapper.IdWithTypes> idToTypes, Set<Serializable> recordIds, boolean excludeSpecialChildren) throws SQLException
      Copies hierarchy from id to parentId, and recurses.

      If name is null, then the original name is kept.

      idMap is filled with info about the correspondence between original and copied ids. idToTypes is filled with the type of each (source) fragment. recordIds is filled with the copied ids of documents that used to be records.

      TODO: this should be optimized to use a stored procedure.

      overwriteId - when not null, the copy is done onto this existing node (skipped)
      the new root id
    • copyHier

      protected Serializable copyHier(Serializable id, Serializable parentId, String name, boolean resetVersion, Map<Serializable,Serializable> idMap) throws SQLException
      Copies hierarchy from id to a new child of parentId.

      If name is null, then the original name is kept.

      idMap is filled with info about the correspondence between original and copied ids.

      the new id
    • getChildrenIdsWithTypes

      protected List<RowMapper.IdWithTypes> getChildrenIdsWithTypes(Serializable id, boolean excludeSpecialChildren, boolean excludeRegularChildren) throws SQLException
      Gets the children ids and types of a node.
    • copyRows

      protected Boolean copyRows(String tableName, Set<Serializable> ids, Map<Serializable,Serializable> idMap, Serializable overwriteId) throws SQLException
      Copy the rows from tableName with given ids into new ones with new ids given by idMap.

      A new row with id overwriteId is first deleted.

      Boolean.TRUE for a modification or creation, Boolean.FALSE for a deletion, null otherwise (still absent)
    • remove

      public void remove(Serializable rootId, List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> nodeInfos)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Deletes a hierarchy.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface RowMapper
      rootId - the id of the root node to be deleted with its children
      nodeInfos - the information about all descendants being deleted along the root node
    • getDescendantsInfo

      public List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> getDescendantsInfo(Serializable rootId)
      Description copied from interface: RowMapper
      Gets descendants infos from a given root node. This does not include information about the root node itself.
      Specified by:
      getDescendantsInfo in interface RowMapper
      rootId - the root node id from which to get descendants info
      the list of descendant nodes info
    • getDescendantsInfoIterative

      protected List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> getDescendantsInfoIterative(Serializable rootId)
    • getChildrenNodeInfos

      protected List<RowMapper.NodeInfo> getChildrenNodeInfos(Collection<Serializable> ids)
      Gets the children of a node as a list of NodeInfo.
    • getNodeInfo

      protected RowMapper.NodeInfo getNodeInfo(ResultSet rs, List<Column> columns) throws SQLException