ClassDescriptionDefault implementation of the
based on Errors returned by OpenDSImplementation of the Directory interface for servers implementing the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.SSLSocketFactory implementation that verifies all certificates.Dynamic Reference descriptor for Ldap References.Interface used to provide a pluggable LDAP Exception processorCreates an LDAP query filter from a Nuxeo Expression.Helper class to parse and evaluate if a LDAP filter expression matches a fetched LDAP entry.Implementation of the directory Reference interface that leverage two common ways of storing relationships in LDAP directories: the static attribute strategy where a multi-valued attribute store the exhaustive list of distinguished names of the refereed entries (eg. the uniqueMember attribute of the groupOfUniqueNames objectclass) the dynamic attribute strategy where a potentially multi-valued attribute stores a ldap urls intensively describing the refereed LDAP entries (eg. the memberURLs attribute of the groupOfURLs objectclass)Wrapper to encapsulate the calls to LDAP and retry the requests in case of ServiceUnavailableException errorsHelper for translating ldap search scope from string to integerCommon internal interface for Ldap entriesThis class represents a session against an LDAPDirectory.Implementation of the directory Reference interface that makes it possible to retrieve children of a node in the LDAP tree structure.