Implementation of the Directory interface for servers implementing the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
Dynamic Reference descriptor for Ldap References.
Interface used to provide a pluggable LDAP Exception processor
Helper class to parse and evaluate if a LDAP filter expression matches a fetched LDAP entry.
Implementation of the directory Reference interface that leverage two common ways of storing relationships in LDAP
the static attribute strategy where a multi-valued attribute store the exhaustive list of distinguished names of
the refereed entries (eg. the uniqueMember attribute of the groupOfUniqueNames objectclass)
the dynamic attribute strategy where a potentially multi-valued attribute stores a ldap urls intensively
describing the refereed LDAP entries (eg. the memberURLs attribute of the groupOfURLs objectclass)
Common internal interface for Ldap entries
This class represents a session against an LDAPDirectory.
Implementation of the directory Reference interface that makes it possible to retrieve children of a node in the LDAP
tree structure.