Interface GroupComputer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAttributeBasedGroupComputer, AbstractGroupComputer, CompanyGroupComputer, DocumentMetadataGroupComputer, MultiTenantGroupComputer, ShibbolethGroupComputer, UserMetadataGroupComputer

public interface GroupComputer
Interface that must be implemented by all contributed GroupComputers.
Thierry Delprat
  • Method Details

    • getGroupsForUser

      List<String> getGroupsForUser(NuxeoPrincipalImpl nuxeoPrincipal)
      Returns the group names for a give User.
    • getAllGroupIds

      List<String> getAllGroupIds()
      Return all group ids. If you class can not efficiently compute this list, you can return an empty list. In this case you need to implement the searchGroups method.
    • getGroupMembers

      List<String> getGroupMembers(String groupName)
      Returns the members for a give group.
    • getParentsGroupNames

      List<String> getParentsGroupNames(String groupName)
      Return parent groups.
    • getSubGroupsNames

      List<String> getSubGroupsNames(String groupName)
      Returns children groups.
    • searchGroups

      List<String> searchGroups(Map<String,Serializable> filter, Set<String> fulltext)
      Searches for a group. (This method is used in particular from UI to search/select a group).
    • searchGroups

      List<String> searchGroups(QueryBuilder queryBuilder)
      Searches for groups.
      queryBuilder - the query
      the list of computed group ids
    • hasGroup

      boolean hasGroup(String name)
      Returns true if the given group exists.