Interface FieldDefinition

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public interface FieldDefinition extends Serializable
Interface for field definition.

Will help to identify a document field.

Anahide Tchertchian
  • Method Details

    • getSchemaName

      String getSchemaName()
      Optional schema name.

      If the field is used to identify a sub field within a complex type, no schema name is needed. Otherwise, the field will not be resolved correctly if the property does not have a prefix.

    • getFieldName

      String getFieldName()
      Returns the field name, following XPath conventions.

      If the field is prefixed, it should contain the prefix followed by ':'. Examples: dc:title, dc:author/name

    • getPropertyName

      String getPropertyName()
      Returns the computed property name with schema and field information.
    • clone

      Returns a clone instance of this field definition.

      Useful for conversion of layout definition during export.
