Class ServerKeyDescriptor


public class ServerKeyDescriptor extends Object
Xmap object used to represent the contribution to OAuthServerKeyManager. => contribute a simple RSA Key Pair.
  • Field Details

    • externalPrivateKey

      protected String externalPrivateKey
    • externalPrivateKeyName

      protected String externalPrivateKeyName
      Most folks should not need to change this from the default value of nuxeo. It's unclear that there are many service providers that actually use this value.
    • externalPublicCertificate

      protected String externalPublicCertificate
      This is here just for convenience of keeping everything together. This is the public key (really a certificate) that you need to give to external oauth provider to indicate that you have the private key above. Assuming you generated the key with the lines above, you should be able to simply paste the "certificate" portion of the testkey.pem file into this field. It is not used by nuxeo in any way, but will be needed when you configure an external provider.

      Note that many providers accept the certificate then run a computation to extract the public key from it. This means that the value displayed when you look at the provider configuration may be different than the one you provided.

  • Constructor Details

    • ServerKeyDescriptor

      public ServerKeyDescriptor()