Interface OAuthToken

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OAuthToken
Represents Token data as manipulated in OAuth during the 3 legged authentication. The same interface is used for Request Token and Access Token.
  • Method Details

    • getAppId

      String getAppId()
      Returns consumer application identifier.
    • getCallbackUrl

      String getCallbackUrl()
      Returns consumer call back url (may be used to override what is provided in the OAuthConsumerRegistry.
    • getNuxeoLogin

      String getNuxeoLogin()
      Returns Nuxeo Login as determined during the authorize phase.
    • getToken

      String getToken()
      Returns OAuth token.
    • getTokenSecret

      String getTokenSecret()
      Returns secret associated to the Token.
    • getConsumerKey

      String getConsumerKey()
      Gets the Consumer Key.
    • getType

      OAuthToken.Type getType()
      Gets the type of token: REQUEST / ACCESS.
    • getCreationDate

      Calendar getCreationDate()
      Gets creation date of the Token.
    • getValue

      String getValue(String keyName)
      Generic getter (not used for now).
    • setValue

      void setValue(String keyName, String value)
      Generic setter (not used for now).
    • getVerifier

      String getVerifier()
      Gets the verifier code.
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired()
      Checks is token is expired.
    • setNuxeoLogin

      void setNuxeoLogin(String login)
      Setter for the Login.