Interface Aggregate<B extends Bucket>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateBase, AggregateEsBase, DateHistogramAggregate, DateRangeAggregate, HistogramAggregate, MissingAggregate, MultiBucketAggregate, NativeEsAggregate, RangeAggregate, SignificantTermAggregate, SingleBucketAggregate, SingleValueMetricAggregate, TermAggregate

public interface Aggregate<B extends Bucket>
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      The aggregate identifier.
    • getType

      String getType()
      Type of aggregation.
    • getField

      String getField()
      Nuxeo field to aggregate.
    • getProperties

      Map<String,String> getProperties()
      Properties of the aggregate.
    • getRanges

      Range definition for aggregate of type range.
    • getDateRanges

      Date Range definition for aggregate of type date range.
    • getSelection

      List<String> getSelection()
      The selection filter that is going to be applied to the main query as a post filter.
    • setSelection

      void setSelection(List<String> selection)
    • getBuckets

      List<B> getBuckets()
      The aggregate results.
    • setBuckets

      void setBuckets(List<B> buckets)
    • getBucket

      Bucket getBucket(String key)
    • hasBucket

      boolean hasBucket(String key)
    • resetSelection

      void resetSelection()
    • getExtendedBuckets

      List<Bucket> getExtendedBuckets()
      The regular list of buckets plus buckets with doc count at 0 for selected buckets which are not returned from es post filtering.
    • getXPathField

      String getXPathField()
      Gets the field name as defined in Nuxeo.

      In Nuxeo the separator for a complex type is the `/` character, in a case where our Aggregate implementation defines a field as `file:content.mime-type`, this method should return `file:content/mime-type`.
