Interface Rendition

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRendition, LazyRendition, LiveRendition, StoredRendition

public interface Rendition
Interface hiding the actual rendition implementation and allowing for Lazy computation of the rendition blobs.

RenditionDefinition is partially wrapper in the Rendition

  • Method Details

    • getIcon

      String getIcon()
      Returns icon file name
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the RenditionDefinition name
    • getCmisName

      String getCmisName()
      Returns the RenditionDefinition CMIS name
    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      Returns the RenditionDefinition label
    • getKind

      String getKind()
      Returns the King of the RenditionDefinition
    • getProviderType

      String getProviderType()
      Returns the type of the provider that was used to generate the rendition
    • isStored

      boolean isStored()
      Indicates if the Rendition is stored or live
    • getBlob

      Blob getBlob()
      Returns the rendered Blob or null if none.
    • getBlobs

      List<Blob> getBlobs()
      Returns the rendered Blobs or null if none.
    • getHostDocument

      DocumentModel getHostDocument()
      Return the Document hosting the rendition.

      In case of a Live rendition it will be the target document and in case of stored Rendition it will be the Rendition document it self

    • getModificationDate

      Calendar getModificationDate()
      Returns last modification date.

      Returns current time for live renditions.

    • isCompleted

      boolean isCompleted()
      Checks if this rendition's computation has completed.