Enum Class DocumentRoutingConstants.Events

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<DocumentRoutingConstants.Events>, Constable
Enclosing interface:

public static enum DocumentRoutingConstants.Events extends Enum<DocumentRoutingConstants.Events>
  • Enum Constant Details

    • beforeRouteValidated

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeRouteValidated
      before the route is validated, each part of the route is in "Draft" state. The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • afterRouteValidated

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterRouteValidated
      after the route is validated, each part of the route is in "Validated" state. The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • beforeRouteReady

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeRouteReady
      before the route is ready, each part of the route is in "Validated" state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • afterRouteReady

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterRouteReady
      after the route is ready, each part of the route is in "Ready" state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • beforeRouteStart

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeRouteStart
      before the route starts. The RouteDocument is in "Running" state, other parts of the route is either in Ready, Running or Done state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • afterRouteFinish

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterRouteFinish
      after the route is finished. The route and each part of the route is in Done state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the route.
    • beforeStepRunning

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeStepRunning
      before the operation chain for this step is called. The step is in "Running" state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the step.
    • stepWaiting

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events stepWaiting
      After the operation chain of this step ran and if the step is not done, ie: if we are in a waiting state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the step.
    • afterStepRunning

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterStepRunning
      after the operation chain for this step is called.The step is in "Done" state.The session used is unrestricted. The element key is the step.
    • beforeStepBackToReady

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeStepBackToReady
      before a step is put back to ready state.
    • afterStepBackToReady

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterStepBackToReady
      after a step was put back to ready state.
    • beforeUndoingStep

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeUndoingStep
      before the undo operation is run on the step.
    • afterUndoingStep

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterUndoingStep
      after the undo operation is run on the step.
    • workflowCanceled

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events workflowCanceled
    • afterWorkflowFinish

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowFinish
    • afterWorkflowStarted

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowStarted
    • beforeWorkflowCanceled

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events beforeWorkflowCanceled
    • afterWorkflowTaskEnded

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowTaskEnded
    • afterWorkflowTaskCreated

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowTaskCreated
    • afterWorkflowTaskReassigned

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowTaskReassigned
    • afterWorkflowTaskDelegated

      public static final DocumentRoutingConstants.Events afterWorkflowTaskDelegated
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DocumentRoutingConstants.Events[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DocumentRoutingConstants.Events valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null