Class SuggesterGroupDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SuggesterGroupDescriptor extends Object implements Cloneable
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected String
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected boolean
    append(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName, boolean before)
    Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just before (if before is true) or after the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list.
    protected boolean
    appendAfter(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName)
    Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just after the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list.
    protected boolean
    appendBefore(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName)
    Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just before the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list.
    protected int
    indexOf(String suggesterName)
    Returns the index of the first occurrence of the element named suggesterName in the #suggesters list, or -1 if suggesterName is null or if this list does not contain the element.
    protected void
    logExistingSuggesterName(String newSuggesterName)
    Logs that the suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list and therefore won't be appended to it.
    protected boolean
    remove(String suggesterName)
    Removes the suggester named suggesterName from the #suggesters list.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected String name
  • Constructor Details

    • SuggesterGroupDescriptor

      public SuggesterGroupDescriptor()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getSuggesters

      public List<SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor> getSuggesters()
    • mergeFrom

      public void mergeFrom(SuggesterGroupDescriptor newDescriptor) throws ComponentInitializationException
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      clone in class Object
    • remove

      protected boolean remove(String suggesterName)
      Removes the suggester named suggesterName from the #suggesters list.
      suggesterName - the suggester name
      true, if a suggester was removed
    • indexOf

      protected int indexOf(String suggesterName)
      Returns the index of the first occurrence of the element named suggesterName in the #suggesters list, or -1 if suggesterName is null or if this list does not contain the element.
      suggesterName - the suggester name
      the index of the first occurrence of the element named suggesterName in the #suggesters list, or -1 if suggesterName is null or if this list does not contain the element
    • appendBefore

      protected boolean appendBefore(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName)
      Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just before the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list. If the suggester named suggesterName does not exist, appends the new suggester at the beginning of the list.
      suggesterName - the suggester name
      newSuggesterName - the name of the suggester to append
      true, if the suggester named newSuggesterName was appended to the #suggesters list
    • appendAfter

      protected boolean appendAfter(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName)
      Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just after the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list. If the suggester named suggesterName does not exist, appends the new suggester at the end of the list.
      suggesterName - the suggester name
      newSuggesterName - the name of the suggester to append
      true, if the suggester named newSuggesterName was appended to the #suggesters list
    • append

      protected boolean append(String suggesterName, String newSuggesterName, boolean before)
      Unless a suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list, appends a new SuggesterGroupItemDescriptor named newSuggesterName just before (if before is true) or after the suggester named suggesterName in the #suggesters list. If the suggester named suggesterName does not exist, appends the new suggester at the beginning or the end of the list, depending on before.
      suggesterName - the suggester name
      newSuggesterName - the name of the suggester to append
      true, if the suggester named newSuggesterName was appended to the #suggesters list
    • logExistingSuggesterName

      protected void logExistingSuggesterName(String newSuggesterName)
      Logs that the suggester named newSuggesterName already exists in the #suggesters list and therefore won't be appended to it.
      newSuggesterName - the new suggester name