Class Type


public class Type extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final String[] EMPTY_ACTIONS
    • id

      protected String id
    • icon

      protected String icon
    • iconExpanded

      protected String iconExpanded
    • bigIcon

      protected String bigIcon
    • bigIconExpanded

      protected String bigIconExpanded
    • label

      protected String label
    • allowedSubTypes

      protected Map<String,SubType> allowedSubTypes
    • deniedSubTypes

      protected String[] deniedSubTypes
    • defaultView

      protected String defaultView
    • createView

      protected String createView
    • editView

      protected String editView
    • description

      protected String description
    • category

      protected String category
    • views

      protected Map<String,TypeView> views
    • actions

      protected String[] actions
    • contentViews

      protected Map<String,DocumentContentViews> contentViews
    • remove

      protected boolean remove
  • Constructor Details

    • Type

      protected Type(String id)
    • Type

      public Type()
  • Method Details

    • addSubType

      public void addSubType(List<SubType> subTypes)
    • getActions

      public String[] getActions()
    • setActions

      public void setActions(String[] actions)
    • getIcon

      public String getIcon()
    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(String icon)
    • getBigIcon

      public String getBigIcon()
    • setBigIcon

      public void setBigIcon(String bigIcon)
    • getBigIconExpanded

      public String getBigIconExpanded()
    • setBigIconExpanded

      public void setBigIconExpanded(String bigIconExpanded)
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
    • setLabel

      public void setLabel(String label)
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • getCategory

      public String getCategory()
    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(String category)
    • getLayouts

      public String[] getLayouts(String mode)
      Returns layout names given a mode.
    • getLayouts

      public String[] getLayouts(String mode, String defaultMode)
    • getLayouts

      public Map<String,Layouts> getLayouts()
      Returns the layouts map
    • setLayouts

      public void setLayouts(Map<String,Layouts> layouts)
    • getDefaultView

      public String getDefaultView()
    • setDefaultView

      public void setDefaultView(String defaultView)
    • getCreateView

      public String getCreateView()
    • setCreateView

      public void setCreateView(String createView)
    • getEditView

      public String getEditView()
    • setEditView

      public void setEditView(String editView)
    • getViews

      public TypeView[] getViews()
    • setViews

      public void setViews(TypeView[] views)
    • getView

      public TypeView getView(String viewId)
    • setView

      public void setView(TypeView view)
    • getDeniedSubTypes

      public String[] getDeniedSubTypes()
    • setDeniedSubTypes

      public void setDeniedSubTypes(String[] deniedSubTypes)
    • getAllowedSubTypes

      public Map<String,SubType> getAllowedSubTypes()
    • setAllowedSubTypes

      public void setAllowedSubTypes(Map<String,SubType> allowedSubTypes)
    • getRemove

      public boolean getRemove()
    • setRemove

      public void setRemove(boolean remove)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getIconExpanded

      public String getIconExpanded()
    • setIconExpanded

      public void setIconExpanded(String iconExpanded)
    • getContentViews

      public String[] getContentViews(String category)
      Return content views defined on this document type for given category
    • getContentViews

      public Map<String,DocumentContentViews> getContentViews()
    • setContentViews

      public void setContentViews(Map<String,DocumentContentViews> contentViews)
    • clone

      public Type clone()
      Clone method to handle hot reload
      clone in class Object