Interface UITypesConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:
DetachedAdapter, LocalConfiguration<UITypesConfiguration>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UITypesConfiguration extends LocalConfiguration<UITypesConfiguration>
Local configuration class to handle configuration of UI Types.
Thomas Roger
  • Method Details

    • getAllowedTypes

      List<String> getAllowedTypes()
      Returns the configured allowed types.
    • getDeniedTypes

      List<String> getDeniedTypes()
      Returns the configured denied types.
    • denyAllTypes

      boolean denyAllTypes()
      Returns true if all the types are denied, false otherwise.
    • filterSubTypes

      Map<String,SubType> filterSubTypes(Map<String,SubType> allowedSubTypes)
      Filter the allowedSubTypes according to this object configuration.
    • filterSubTypes

      Collection<String> filterSubTypes(Collection<String> allowedSubTypes)
      Filters the allowedSubTypes according to this object configuration.
    • getDefaultType

      String getDefaultType()