Class Stream


public class Stream extends Object
Object representing a Stream of a video.
Thomas Roger
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • fromMap

      public static Stream fromMap(Map<String,Serializable> m)
      Build a Stream from a Map of attributes.

      Used when creating a Stream from a DocumentModel property.

    • getType

      public String getType()
      Returns this Stream's type.

      Can be one of the following:

      • Video
      • Audio
    • getCodec

      public String getCodec()
      Returns this Stream's codec.
    • getStreamInfo

      public String getStreamInfo()
      Returns this Stream whole info as returned by FFmpeg.
    • getBitRate

      public double getBitRate()
      Returns this Stream's bit rate.
    • toMap

      public Map<String,Serializable> toMap()
      Returns a Map of attributes for this Stream.

      Used when saving this Stream to a DocumentModel property.