Class TranscodedVideo


public final class TranscodedVideo extends Video
Object wrapping a transcoded video and related VideoInfo.

The TranscodedVideo is identified by its name and a position, if any, in the list of TranscodedVideos for a given @{link VideoDocument}.

If this TranscodedVideo is not part

Thomas Roger
  • Method Details

    • fromMapAndPosition

      public static TranscodedVideo fromMapAndPosition(Map<String,Serializable> map, int position)
      Build a TranscodedVideo from a Map of attributes and a position
    • fromBlobAndInfo

      public static TranscodedVideo fromBlobAndInfo(String name, Blob blob, VideoInfo videoInfo)
      Build a TranscodedVideo from a name, video blob and related videoInfo.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this TranscodedVideo.
    • getBlobPropertyName

      public String getBlobPropertyName()
      Returns the video Blob property name of this TranscodedVideo.
    • toMap

      public Map<String,Serializable> toMap()
      Returns a Map of attributes for this TranscodedVideo.

      Used when saving this TranscodedVideo to a DocumentModel property.