Class ResourceContext


public class ResourceContext extends Object
A resource request context. This class is not thread safe.
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Field Details

    • app

      protected ApplicationHost app
      The JAX-RS application providing the resources.
    • request

      protected javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request
    • uriInfo

      protected uriInfo
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceContext

      protected ResourceContext()
    • ResourceContext

      public ResourceContext(ApplicationHost app)
  • Method Details

    • setContext

      public static void setContext(ResourceContext context)
    • getContext

      public static ResourceContext getContext()
    • destroyContext

      public static void destroyContext()
    • getApplication

      public ApplicationHost getApplication()
    • getBundleStack

      public final LinkedList<org.osgi.framework.Bundle> getBundleStack()
    • setUriInfo

      public void setUriInfo( uriInfo)
    • setRequest

      public void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    • getBundle

      public final org.osgi.framework.Bundle getBundle()
    • getRenderingEngine

      public final RenderingEngine getRenderingEngine()
    • getRequest

      public javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getRequest()
    • getPrincipal

      public Principal getPrincipal()
    • getUriInfo

      public getUriInfo()
    • getSession

      public CoreSession getSession()
    • getBaseUri

      public URI getBaseUri()
    • pushBundleFor

      public void pushBundleFor(Object obj)
    • pushBundle

      public void pushBundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle)
    • getResourceBundle

      protected org.osgi.framework.Bundle getResourceBundle(Object res)
    • getViewRoot

      public String getViewRoot()
      The prefix used to reference templates in template source locators
    • findEntry

      public URL findEntry(String path)