Class ModuleImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
MessagesProvider, Module

public class ModuleImpl extends Object implements Module
The default implementation for a web configuration.
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isHeadless

      public boolean isHeadless()
      Whether or not this module has a GUI and should be listed in available GUI module list. For example, REST modules usually don't have a GUI.
      true if headless (no GUI is provided), false otherwise
    • getNatures

      public Set<String> getNatures()
      the natures, or null if no natures were specified
    • hasNature

      public boolean hasNature(String natureId)
    • getEngine

      public WebEngine getEngine()
      Specified by:
      getEngine in interface Module
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Module
    • getSuperModule

      public ModuleImpl getSuperModule()
      Specified by:
      getSuperModule in interface Module
    • getModuleConfiguration

      public ModuleConfiguration getModuleConfiguration()
    • getRootType

      @Deprecated public ResourceType getRootType()
      Use WebApplication to declare modules
    • getRootObject

      @Deprecated public Resource getRootObject(WebContext ctx)
      Use WebApplication to declare modules
      Specified by:
      getRootObject in interface Module
    • getSkinPathPrefix

      public String getSkinPathPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Get the path prefix to be used from templates to prepend to links to static resources.

      This prefix is exposed to templates as ${skinPath}.

      Specified by:
      getSkinPathPrefix in interface Module
      the skin path prefix. never null.
    • getTypeRegistry

      public TypeRegistry getTypeRegistry()
    • loadClass

      public Class<?> loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Loads a class given its name.

      The scripting class loader will be used to load the class.

      Specified by:
      loadClass in interface Module
      className - the class name
      the class instance
    • getType

      public ResourceType getType(String typeName)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets a ResourceType instance given its name.

      The web type lookup is performed in the following order:

      1. First the annotated Groovy classes are checked. (web/ directory)
      2. Then the configuration type registry corresponding
      Specified by:
      getType in interface Module
      typeName - the type name
      the web type instance
    • getTypes

      public ResourceType[] getTypes()
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the types registered within this module.
      Specified by:
      getTypes in interface Module
      the types. Cannot be null.
    • getAdapters

      public AdapterType[] getAdapters()
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the adapters registered within this module.
      Specified by:
      getAdapters in interface Module
      the adapters. Cannot be null.
    • getAdapter

      public AdapterType getAdapter(Resource ctx, String name)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the named adapter definition for the given resource.
      Specified by:
      getAdapter in interface Module
      ctx - the target resource
      name - the adapter name
      the adapter if any adapter with that name applies for that resource otherwise throws an exception
    • getAdapterNames

      public List<String> getAdapterNames(Resource ctx)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the list of adapter names that applies to the given resource.
      Specified by:
      getAdapterNames in interface Module
      ctx - the context resource
      the list of adapters Cannot be null.
    • getAdapters

      public List<AdapterType> getAdapters(Resource ctx)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the list of adapters that applies to the given resource.
      Specified by:
      getAdapters in interface Module
      ctx - the context resource
      the list of adapters Cannot be null.
    • getEnabledAdapterNames

      public List<String> getEnabledAdapterNames(Resource ctx)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the list of adapter names that are enabled for the given context.

      Enabled services are those adapters which can be accessed in the current security context.

      Specified by:
      getEnabledAdapterNames in interface Module
      ctx - the context resource
      the list of adapters. Cannot be null.
    • getEnabledAdapters

      public List<AdapterType> getEnabledAdapters(Resource ctx)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets the list of adapters that are enabled for the given context.

      Enabled adapters are those adapters which can be accessed in the current security context.

      Specified by:
      getEnabledAdapters in interface Module
      ctx - the context resource
      the list of adapter.s Cannot be null.
    • getMediaTypeId

      public String getMediaTypeId( mt)
      Specified by:
      getMediaTypeId in interface Module
    • getResourceBindings

      public List<ResourceBinding> getResourceBindings()
      Specified by:
      getResourceBindings in interface Module
    • isDerivedFrom

      public boolean isDerivedFrom(String moduleName)
      Specified by:
      isDerivedFrom in interface Module
    • loadConfiguration

      public void loadConfiguration()
    • getLinks

      public List<LinkDescriptor> getLinks(String category)
      Specified by:
      getLinks in interface Module
    • getActiveLinks

      public List<LinkDescriptor> getActiveLinks(Resource context, String category)
      Specified by:
      getActiveLinks in interface Module
    • getLinkRegistry

      public LinkRegistry getLinkRegistry()
    • getTemplateFileExt

      public String getTemplateFileExt()
      Specified by:
      getTemplateFileExt in interface Module
    • flushSkinCache

      public void flushSkinCache()
    • flushTypeCache

      public void flushTypeCache()
    • flushRootResourcesCache

      @Deprecated public void flushRootResourcesCache()
      resources are deprecated - you should use a jax-rs application to declare more resources.
    • flushCache

      public void flushCache()
      Specified by:
      flushCache in interface Module
    • getSkinDir

      public static File getSkinDir(File moduleDir)
    • loadDirectoryStack

      protected void loadDirectoryStack()
    • getFile

      public ScriptFile getFile(String path)
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets a file using the configured directory stack. Each directory in the stack is asked for the file until a file is found. If no file is found, returns null.

      Note that the implementation may cache the results. To clear any cached data, you should call the Module.flushCache() method.

      Specified by:
      getFile in interface Module
      path - the file path
      null if no file found otherwise the file
    • findFile

      protected ScriptFile findFile(String path) throws IOException
      path - a normalized path (absolute path)
    • getSkinResource

      public ScriptFile getSkinResource(String path) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Module
      Gets a skin resource input stream. This must not cache resources. This method is using the module stacking directory to find the resource.
      Specified by:
      getSkinResource in interface Module
    • createTypeRegistry

      public TypeRegistry createTypeRegistry()
      TODO There are no more reasons to lazy load the type registry since module are lazy loaded. Type registry must be loaded at module creation
    • getRoot

      public File getRoot()
      Specified by:
      getRoot in interface Module
    • reloadMessages

      public void reloadMessages()
    • getMessages

      public Messages getMessages()
      Specified by:
      getMessages in interface Module
    • getMessages

      public Map<String,String> getMessages(String language)
      Specified by:
      getMessages in interface MessagesProvider
      Specified by:
      getMessages in interface Module
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object