Class AvroReplacementDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<AvroReplacementDescriptor>, Descriptor

public class AvroReplacementDescriptor extends Object implements Descriptor, Comparable<AvroReplacementDescriptor>
The Avro forbidden character replacement descriptor.
Avro allows alphanumeric characters and underscores in names.
Nuxeo Studio allows alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes that have to be replaced by another symbol.

The default contributions provide replacement for :
- "-" as "__dash__"
- ":" as "__colon__
- ";" as "__semicolon__"
- and with higher priority "__" as "____" to ensure no user string is wrongly replaced.
  • Field Details

    • forbidden

      protected String forbidden
    • replacement

      protected String replacement
    • priority

      protected int priority
  • Constructor Details

    • AvroReplacementDescriptor

      public AvroReplacementDescriptor()
  • Method Details