Class FragmentDescriptor


public class FragmentDescriptor extends Object
Bogdan Stefanescu
  • Field Details

    • ALL

      public static final FragmentDescriptor ALL
      Marker used for better control on requirements. see "all" marker in FragmentRegistry
    • name

      public String name
    • version

      public int version
    • fileName

      public String fileName
    • filePath

      public String filePath
    • startLevel

      @Deprecated public int startLevel
      The start level is used to control bundle start order. The following levels are defined:
      • 0 - system level - used by the OSGi framework itself
      • 1 - runtime level - used by nuxeo-runtime bundles
      • 2 - core level - used for core bundles
      • 3 - platform level - used for platform service bundles
      • 4 - presentation level - used for UI service bundles (e.g. seam components etc)
      • 5 - UI level -used for UI bundles (e.g. war / web, widgets contribs)
      • 6 - user level
      The start level is overwritten by the one specified at MANIFEST level using the Nuxeo-StartLevel header. If the start header is missing it will be initialized from the OSGi Bundle-Category (if any) as follows:
      • nuxeo-framework
      • nuxeo-runtime
      • nuxeo-service
      • nuxeo-core
      • nuxeo-platform
      • nuxeo-presentation
      • nuxeo-ui
      • nuxeo-plugin
      If the start level could not be computed then the default value of 6 (user level) is used The recommended method of specifying the start level is to use the Bundle-Category since start level numbering may change (this header has the advantage of using symbolic names)
    • contributions

      public TemplateContribution[] contributions
    • requires

      public List<String> requires
    • requiredBy

      public String[] requiredBy
    • templates

      public Map<String,TemplateDescriptor> templates
    • install

      public CommandProcessor install
    • uninstall

      public CommandProcessor uninstall
    • isMarker

      protected boolean isMarker
  • Constructor Details

    • FragmentDescriptor

      public FragmentDescriptor()
    • FragmentDescriptor

      public FragmentDescriptor(String name, boolean isMarker)
  • Method Details

    • isMarker

      public boolean isMarker()
    • setInstallCommands

      public void setInstallCommands(DocumentFragment df)
    • setUninstallCommands

      public void setUninstallCommands(DocumentFragment df)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object