Class SimpleContributionRegistry<T>

Direct Known Subclasses:
AutomationScriptingRegistry, BlobManagerComponent.BlobProviderDescriptorRegistry, ContextHelperRegistry, DBSRepositoryService.DBSRepositoryDescriptorRegistry, JWTServiceImpl.JWTServiceConfigurationRegistry, LayoutConverterRegistry, LayoutDefinitionRegistry, LayoutTypeDefinitionRegistry, LDAPServerRegistry, LockManagerService.LockManagerDescriptorRegistry, LoginScreenConfigRegistry, MetadataMappingRegistry, MetadataProcessorRegistry, MetadataRuleRegistry, NuxeoCmisServiceFactoryManager.NuxeoCmisServiceFactoryDescriptorRegistry, PropertiesMappingContributionRegistry, ResourceRegistry, RouteTemplateResourceRegistry, ScheduleExtensionRegistry, ServiceConfigurationRegistry, SQLRepositoryService.RepositoryDescriptorRegistry, TargetPackageRegistry, TargetPlatformRegistry, VersioningComponent.VersioningFilterRegistry, VersioningComponent.VersioningPolicyRegistry, VersioningComponent.VersioningRestrictionRegistry, WidgetConverterRegistry, WidgetDefinitionRegistry, WidgetTypeDefinitionRegistry, WidgetTypeRegistry

@Deprecated public abstract class SimpleContributionRegistry<T> extends ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
since 10.3 use DefaultComponent descriptors management methods instead
Simple contribution registry, keeping up to date contributions in a map, and not handling merge.
  • Field Details

    • currentContribs

      protected Map<String,T> currentContribs
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleContributionRegistry

      public SimpleContributionRegistry()
  • Method Details

    • contributionUpdated

      public void contributionUpdated(String id, T contrib, T newOrigContrib)
      Description copied from class: ContributionFragmentRegistry
      Adds or updates a contribution.

      If the contribution doesn't yet exists then it will be added, otherwise the value will be updated. If the given value is null the existing contribution must be removed.

      The second parameter is the contribution that should be updated when merging, as well as stored and used. This usually represents a clone of the original contribution or a merge of multiple contribution fragments. Modifications on this object at application level will be lost on next method call on the same object id: modifications should be done in the ContributionFragmentRegistry.merge(Object, Object) method.

      The last parameter is the new contribution object, unchanged (original) which was neither cloned nor merged. This object should never be modified at application level, because it will be used each time a subsequent merge is done. Also, it never should be stored.

      Specified by:
      contributionUpdated in class ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
      id - - the id of the contribution that needs to be updated
      contrib - the updated contribution object that
      newOrigContrib - - the new, unchanged (original) contribution fragment that triggered the update.
    • contributionRemoved

      public void contributionRemoved(String id, T origContrib)
      Description copied from class: ContributionFragmentRegistry
      All the fragments in the contribution was removed. Contribution must be unregistered.

      The first parameter is the contribution ID that should be remove and the second parameter the original contribution fragment that as unregistered causing the contribution to be removed.

      Specified by:
      contributionRemoved in class ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
    • isSupportingMerge

      public boolean isSupportingMerge()
      Description copied from class: ContributionFragmentRegistry
      Returns true if merge is supported.

      Hook method to be overridden if merge logics behind Object.clone() and ContributionFragmentRegistry.merge(Object, Object) cannot be implemented.

      isSupportingMerge in class ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
    • clone

      public T clone(T orig)
      Description copied from class: ContributionFragmentRegistry
      CLone the given contribution object
      Specified by:
      clone in class ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
    • merge

      public void merge(T src, T dst)
      Description copied from class: ContributionFragmentRegistry
      Merge 'src' into 'dst'. When merging only the 'dst' object is modified.
      Specified by:
      merge in class ContributionFragmentRegistry<T>
      src - the object to copy over the 'dst' object
      dst - this object is modified
    • getCurrentContribution

      protected T getCurrentContribution(String id)