Class ReloadContext


public class ReloadContext extends Object
The reload actions to perform when reloading the Nuxeo server.
  • Field Details

    • bundlesNamesToUndeploy

      protected final List<String> bundlesNamesToUndeploy
    • bundlesToDeploy

      protected final List<File> bundlesToDeploy
    • bundlesDestination

      protected final Path bundlesDestination
      The bundle destination relative path, it will be computed from runtime home (usually nxserver).
  • Constructor Details

    • ReloadContext

      public ReloadContext()
    • ReloadContext

      public ReloadContext(String bundlesDestination)
      Constructor which takes the destination as argument. The given path must be relative to nxserver directory.
    • ReloadContext

      public ReloadContext(Path bundlesDestination)
      Constructor which takes the destination as argument. The given path must be relative to nxserver directory.
  • Method Details