Interface TargetInfo

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Target, TargetPackage, TargetPackageInfo, TargetPlatform, TargetPlatformInfo, TargetPlatformInstance
All Known Implementing Classes:
TargetExtension, TargetImpl, TargetInfoExtension, TargetInfoImpl, TargetPackageExtension, TargetPackageImpl, TargetPackageInfoImpl, TargetPlatformExtension, TargetPlatformImpl, TargetPlatformInfoImpl, TargetPlatformInstanceExtension, TargetPlatformInstanceImpl

public interface TargetInfo extends Serializable
Represents a target info (platform or package).

This is a lighter version of the target platform or package, useful for listing targets in select inputs for instance.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a description for this target.
    Returns this target download link.
    Returns this target end of availability date.
    This target unique identifier (usually some kind of concatenation of name and version).
    A user-friendly label for this platform, like "Nuxeo Platform 5.8".
    The target platform name, for instance "cap".
    The target platform reference version used for behaviour checks.
    Returns this target release date.
    String marker for a dev/deprecated/new status.
    String markers for feature/behaviour checks on this instance.
    The target platform version, for instance "5.8".
    Returns true if given target information is marked as default.
    Returns true if given target is deprecated.
    Returns true if the corresponding target platform is enabled.
    Returns true if given target platform is a fast track
    Returns true if given target information is overridden by directory information.
    Returns true if access to the corresponding target platform is restricted.
    Returns true if given target information is available for trials.
    Returns true if given type is in the list of this target types.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      This target unique identifier (usually some kind of concatenation of name and version).
    • getName

      String getName()
      The target platform name, for instance "cap".
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      The target platform version, for instance "5.8".
    • getRefVersion

      String getRefVersion()
      The target platform reference version used for behaviour checks.

      Defaults to getVersion() when not set.

    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      A user-friendly label for this platform, like "Nuxeo Platform 5.8".
    • getStatus

      String getStatus()
      String marker for a dev/deprecated/new status.
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Returns true if the corresponding target platform is enabled.
    • isRestricted

      boolean isRestricted()
      Returns true if access to the corresponding target platform is restricted.

      Criteria for which access should be granted or not are left to the caller.

    • isDeprecated

      boolean isDeprecated()
      Returns true if given target is deprecated.
    • isTrial

      boolean isTrial()
      Returns true if given target information is available for trials.
    • isDefault

      boolean isDefault()
      Returns true if given target information is marked as default.
    • isFastTrack

      boolean isFastTrack()
      Returns true if given target platform is a fast track
    • isOverridden

      boolean isOverridden()
      Returns true if given target information is overridden by directory information.
    • getReleaseDate

      Date getReleaseDate()
      Returns this target release date.
    • getEndOfAvailability

      Date getEndOfAvailability()
      Returns this target end of availability date.
    • getDownloadLink

      String getDownloadLink()
      Returns this target download link.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns a description for this target.

      Can contain HTML code.

    • getTypes

      List<String> getTypes()
      String markers for feature/behaviour checks on this instance.
    • matchesType

      boolean matchesType(String type)
      Returns true if given type is in the list of this target types.