Interface TargetPlatform

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<TargetPlatform>, Serializable, Target, TargetInfo
All Known Implementing Classes:
TargetPlatformExtension, TargetPlatformImpl

public interface TargetPlatform extends Target, Comparable<TargetPlatform>
Main interface for target platform definition of resources that need to be available both on core and client sides.
Anahide Tchertchian
  • Method Details

    • getAvailablePackagesIds

      List<String> getAvailablePackagesIds()
      Return the list of ids of packages available on this target platform.
    • getAvailablePackages

      List<TargetPackage> getAvailablePackages()
      Return the list of packages available on this target platform.
    • getParent

      TargetPlatform getParent()
      Returns this target platform parent or null if there is no inheritance.
    • getTestVersions

      List<String> getTestVersions()
      Returns the list of test versions, useful for testing of multiple branches (main target platform branch or release, maintenance branch, etc...).