Class PaginableWithDelegate<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, List<T>, RandomAccess, Paginable<T>

public class PaginableWithDelegate<T> extends ArrayList<T> implements Paginable<T>
Paginable object that uses a delegate to handle pagination.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaginableWithDelegate

      public PaginableWithDelegate(Paginable<T> delegate)
  • Method Details

    • getPageSize

      public long getPageSize()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the number of results per page. 0 means no pagination.
      Specified by:
      getPageSize in interface Paginable<T>
    • getMaxPageSize

      public long getMaxPageSize()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the max number of results per page. 0 means no pagination.

      If page size is greater than this maximum value, it will be taken into account instead.

      Specified by:
      getMaxPageSize in interface Paginable<T>
    • getResultsCount

      public long getResultsCount()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the number of result elements if available or a negative value if it is unknown: UNKNOWN_SIZE if it is unknown as query was not done, and since 5.5, UNKNOWN_SIZE_AFTER_QUERY if it is still unknown after query was done.
      Specified by:
      getResultsCount in interface Paginable<T>
    • getNumberOfPages

      public long getNumberOfPages()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the total number of pages or 0 if number of pages is unknown.
      Specified by:
      getNumberOfPages in interface Paginable<T>
    • isNextPageAvailable

      public boolean isNextPageAvailable()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns a boolean expressing if there are further pages.
      Specified by:
      isNextPageAvailable in interface Paginable<T>
    • isLastPageAvailable

      public boolean isLastPageAvailable()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns a boolean expressing if the last page can be displayed.
      Specified by:
      isLastPageAvailable in interface Paginable<T>
    • isPreviousPageAvailable

      public boolean isPreviousPageAvailable()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns a boolean expressing if there is a previous page.
      Specified by:
      isPreviousPageAvailable in interface Paginable<T>
    • getCurrentPageSize

      public long getCurrentPageSize()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the number of elements in current page.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentPageSize in interface Paginable<T>
    • getCurrentPageIndex

      public long getCurrentPageIndex()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the current page index as a zero-based integer.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentPageIndex in interface Paginable<T>
    • isSortable

      public boolean isSortable()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns if this provider is sortable.
      Specified by:
      isSortable in interface Paginable<T>
    • hasError

      public boolean hasError()
      Specified by:
      hasError in interface Paginable<T>
    • getErrorMessage

      public String getErrorMessage()
      Specified by:
      getErrorMessage in interface Paginable<T>
    • getAggregates

      public Map<String,Aggregate<? extends Bucket>> getAggregates()
      Specified by:
      getAggregates in interface Paginable<T>
    • hasAggregateSupport

      public boolean hasAggregateSupport()
      Specified by:
      hasAggregateSupport in interface Paginable<T>
    • getActiveQuickFilters

      public List<QuickFilter> getActiveQuickFilters()
      Specified by:
      getActiveQuickFilters in interface Paginable<T>
    • getAvailableQuickFilters

      public List<QuickFilter> getAvailableQuickFilters()
      Specified by:
      getAvailableQuickFilters in interface Paginable<T>
    • getCurrentPageOffset

      public long getCurrentPageOffset()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Returns the offset (starting from 0) of the first element in the current page or UNKNOWN_SIZE.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentPageOffset in interface Paginable<T>
    • getResultsCountLimit

      public long getResultsCountLimit()
      Description copied from interface: Paginable
      Limit of number of results beyond which the page provider may not be able to compute Paginable.getResultsCount() or navigate.

      Requesting results beyond this limit may result in error. When Paginable.getResultsCount() is negative, it means there may be more results than this limit.

      0 means there is no limit.

      Specified by:
      getResultsCountLimit in interface Paginable<T>