Nuxeo Glossary

Nuxeo Platform

Updated: February 25, 2025

Nuxeo Platform (aka Nuxeo EP or Nuxeo Enterprise Platform in versions up to 5.4.x) is a platform for building ECM applications. It provides the technical infrastructure and the high-level services needed to build customized ECM applications.

In order to be flexible and easily adaptable, Nuxeo Platform is composed of small software parts (bundles) that can be assembled together to build an application. They contain:

  • Services: to provide the features needed to manage your information,
  • Components: to implement, configure and extend the services,
  • Presentation frameworks and UI building blocks: to provide the user interface on top of the service stack.

One of the key features of Nuxeo Platform is that most components are configurable and extensible. This gives you full control to extend and configure the existing services in order to fulfill the specific needs of your projects.

Find out more about Nuxeo Platform on the page Quick Overview and the NXDOC.