The Nuxeo DAM document types are fully integrated in the Nuxeo Platform and are available alongside the other document types. They can be created the same ways as the platform default document types, they get the same metadata, the same workflows, etc.
Pictures are specific files. To take into account the specificities of pictures, their Summary tab shows additional pieces of information, such as:
- Rotate actions
- The picture's EXIF metadata
- Additional picture views
Pictures can be created and edited in workspaces and folders like any other document type. You can also classify and organize them in collections.
When pictures are created, the EXIF metadata of the pictures are automatically extracted and displayed on the Summary tab. They cannot be modified. The IPTC legend, copyright and source are used to automatically fill in the description, rights and source metadata. See the page Binary Metadata for more information.

You can report to the page Supported File Formats to see which file formats are supported as pictures.
Browsing Pictures
Nuxeo DAM add the possibility to view pictures in a slideshow mode from the thumbnail mode of a workspace or search results. To view the pictures in a slideshow mode, click on the icon from the thumbnail mode. You can then switch from one picture to the next or the previous using the right and left keys of you keyboard. You automatically go the next page picture when you're at the last picture of the current page.
If no picture is available on the current page, it shows the icon .
Picture Views
When you import a document having the Picture
facet on your platform, additional formats are available on it. The default ones are:
- Thumbnail: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 100 px height or width.
- Small: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 280 px height or width.
- Medium: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 550 px height or width.
- FullHD: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 1,920 px height or width.
- OriginalJpeg: the picture is converted to JPG but the original size is kept. This export is done even if the original picture was a JPG file.
The original and medium pictures can be the same size when you download them if the original is smaller or equal to medium size.
To download the picture view that you want, click on in front of it.

To contribute new picture views, follow How to Contribute Picture Conversions.
A user interface is added in the Admin tab so that it is possible to re-compute picture conversions (Picture views). This is particularly useful when you add new conversions and want to compute them over existing images, or if you change the definition of some of the existing conversions.

Video is a document types dedicated to the management of videos files. It provides the following specific features: A player to view the video from the application, a storyboard to navigate in the video and alternative video formats.
Video documents can be created and edited like any other document type. See the page Supported File Formats for supported video files.

Viewing Videos
Video documents can be viewed from their Summary tab where a video player is available. You can also navigate in the video using the Storyboard that is generated at import time.
Converting Videos
It is possible to convert the video to various formats from the user interface:
- Ogg
- WebM
- MP4
To convert the video, from the Summary tab click on the Convert button corresponding to the format you want.
Exporting Videos
When your export a video asset, you get a folder with several files available:
- The original video file
- One WEBM conversion
- One MP4 conversion
- One JPEG picture by storyboard chapter
- One JPG picture prefixed with "StaticPlayerView_video-screenshot-", which is the picture extracted from the video that is used for the player picture
- One JPG picture prefixed with "Thumbnail_video-screenshot-", which is the thumbnail used in folders proposing a thumbnail view (typically in the DAM view)
A video is exported like any other document. See the page Exporting Documents.
Audio is a document types dedicated to audio files management. It provides a player from the document Summary tab to listen to it from the application.
Audio documents can be created and edited like any other document type. They don't have any specific tab or action available.
See the page Supported File Formats for supported audio files.

Web UI
Pictures are specific files. To take into account the specificities of pictures, additional information are available such as:
- Rotate actions
- Dimensions
- Format
- ...

Pictures can be created and edited in workspaces and folders like any other document type. You can also classify and organize them in collections.

When you import a document having the Picture facet on your platform, additional formats are available on it. The default ones are:
- Thumbnail: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 100 px height or width.
- Small: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 280 px height or width.
- Medium: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 550 px height or width.
- FullHD: the picture is converted to JPG and resized to 1,920 px height or width.
- OriginalJpeg: the picture is converted to JPG but the original size is kept. This export is done even if the original picture was a JPG file.
The original and medium pictures can be the same size when you download them if the original is smaller or equal to medium size.
To download the format that you want, click on in front of it.
Video is a document types dedicated to the management of videos files and can be created or edited like any other files.

Viewing Videos
Video documents can be viewed from their View tab where a video player is available.
Converting Videos
It is possible to convert the video to various formats from the Web UI user interface:
- WebM
- MP4
To convert the video, click on corresponding to the format you want.
Browsing Assets
Once DAM installed and assets documents created, a new search type is displayed in the left menu, the Assets
search. This search will let you search by assets metadata, such as:
- Type
- Format
- Width
- Height
- Etc.
The Assets search leverages Elasticsearch to provide a quicker and more efficient search. The search form uses Elasticsearch aggregates for most fields: aggregate fields values are filtered so as to display only relevant values and show the count of matching documents for each value.

The Assets search form offers several search criteria, that you can associate to define your search and find documents. Search results use the thumbnail view by default. Clicking on a document thumbnail will lead you directly to the document.
To search documents using detailed criteria:
- Click on the
tab. - Fill in the form with your criteria and/or select the search criteria corresponding to your needs.
The search results will be automatically updated according to the criteria selected.