
Default Search

Updated: March 17, 2025

This addon is deprecated since Nuxeo Platform LTS 2019.

The default search enables you to search a document using documents metadata. You can for instance select metadata of the searched document or the date of specific events such as publication, creation.

The default search leverages Elasticsearch to provide a quicker and more efficient search. The search form uses Elasticsearch aggregates for most fields: aggregate fields values are filtered so as to display only relevant values and show the count of matching documents for each value.

The default search form offers several search criteria, that you can associate to define your search and find documents. Search results use the thumbnail view by default. Clicking on a document thumbnail shows its main information pop-up. You can browse to the previous and next documents from that view.

When you associate different criteria, the query is built following this principle:

SELECT * FROM Document WHERE (criterion1 = value1 OR criterion1 = value2) AND (criterion2 = valueA OR criterion2 = valueB) AND criterion 3 = something

To search documents using detailed criteria:

  1. Click on the Search tab.
  2. Fill in the form with your criteria and if needed click on the Filter button.

Notes about default search fields:

  • Collections, Tags and Text search do not rely on Elasticsearch aggregates. So they are not pre-filtered depending on already selected search criteria and do not trigger the query.
  • Path: The tree displayed is not pre-filtered depending on already selected search criteria, you are always displayed the whole tree (depending on your access rights).
  • Size: Folderish documents such as workspaces and folders have a 0 Kb size, whatever their content.