Bootstrap Your Nuxeo Package
In your terminal:
$ nuxeo bootstrap package
You are prompted for a few details:
? Parent Group id: com.bigcorp.contractmgt ? Parent Artifact id: contract-mgt-project-parent ? Parent version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT ? Package Artifact id: contract-mgt-project-package ? Package name: contract-mgt-project-package ? Company name: Big Corp
You need to re-run
nuxeo studio link
to properly configure your Studio Project into your package.
Bootstrap a docker-compose
for Your Project
In your terminal:
$ nuxeo bootstrap docker-compose
You are prompted for a few details:
? Parent Group id: com.bigcorp.contractmgt ? Parent Artifact id: contract-mgt-project-parent ? Parent version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT ? Docker Artifact id: contract-mgt-project-docker ? Base Docker Image Repository: ? Base Docker Image Version: 2021.1 ? Studio package to Install:
To complete your docker bootstrap, you need to log in to docker.
Run your project
- To set the environment variable NUXEO_CLID with your instance CLID.
- It has been built and installed with the last changes, at the root level.
In your terminal:
$ docker-compose up [-d]
If you want to follow the logs:
$ docker-compose logs -f
Hot reload
The goal of hot reload is to apply modifications done on your Studio project without needing to re-download everything and install it on your Nuxeo instance.
Hot reload - Browser
Install the Nuxeo extension (Google Chrome, Firefox)
Read Nuxeo dev tools documentation.
Hot reload - Nuxeo CLI
Configure your hot reload:
In your terminal:
$ nuxeo hotreload configure
You are prompted for a few details:
? Nuxeo server deployment: Docker Compose Deployment ? Name of the Docker compose service for the Nuxeo server: contract-mgt-project_nuxeo_1 ? Ignore selected modules: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) >( ) contract-mgt-project-core
Launch the hot reload:
$ nuxeo hotreload
Release Your Project
In your terminal:
$ nuxeo studio release
You are prompted for few details:
? Branch to release: ? Version to release:
Release your project using maven command in the following order:
$ mvn release:clean $ mvn release:prepare $ mvn release:perform
Follow Uploading a nuxeo package.
Your done! Your project it now published and available.