Here is a template to be inspired of for README
files. The Nuxeo file is following this template.
Except the "Requirements" and "Limitations" which may not be relevant, all sections are mandatory.
Common content is pre-filled. Sampled advanced content is prefixed by Sample:
# Title / Repository Name
## About / Synopsis
* What is it, what does it do / Abstract
* Project status: working/prototype
* Nuxeo Support
See real examples:
* <>
* <>
* <>
## Table of contents
Use for instance <>:
> * [Title / Repository Name](#title--repository-name)
> * [About / Synopsis](#about--synopsis)
> * [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
> * [Installation](#installation)
> * [Usage](#usage)
> * [Screenshots](#screenshots)
> * [Features](#features)
> * [Code](#code)
> * [Content](#content)
> * [Requirements](#requirements)
> * [Limitations](#limitations)
> * [Build](#build)
> * [Deploy (how to install build product)](#deploy-how-to-install-build-product)
> * [Resources (Documentation and other links)](#resources-documentation-and-other-links)
> * [Contributing / Reporting issues](#contributing--reporting-issues)
> * [License](#license)
> * [About Nuxeo](#about-nuxeo)
## Installation
* From the Nuxeo Marketplace: install [the Sample Nuxeo Package](
* From the command line: `nuxeoctl mp-install nuxeo-sample`
## Usage
### Screenshots
### Features
## Code
### Content
Description, sub-modules organization...
### Requirements
See [CORG/Compiling Nuxeo from sources](
Sample: <>
### Limitations
Sample: <>
### Build
mvn clean install
Build options:
* ...
### Deploy (how to install build product)
Direct to MP package if any. Otherwise provide steps to deploy on Nuxeo Platform:
> Copy the built artifacts into `$NUXEO_HOME/templates/custom/bundles/` and activate the `custom` template.
## Resources (Documentation and other links)
## Contributing / Reporting issues
Link to JIRA component (or project if there is no component for that project). Samples:
* [Link to component](!%3D%20%22Resolved%22%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC%2C%20priority%20DESC%2C%20created%20ASC)
* [Link to project](!default.jspa?project=NXP)
## License
[Apache License, Version 2.0](
## About Nuxeo
Nuxeo Platform is an open source Content Services platform, written in Java. Data can be stored in both SQL & NoSQL databases.
The development of the Nuxeo Platform is mostly done by Nuxeo employees with an open development model.
The source code, documentation, roadmap, issue tracker, testing, benchmarks are all public.
Typically, Nuxeo users build different types of information management solutions for [document management](, [case management](, and [digital asset management](, use cases. It uses schema-flexible metadata & content models that allows content to be repurposed to fulfill future use cases.
More information is available at [](