User Documentation

From JSF UI to Web UI

Updated: March 17, 2025


Create a document using the New button to select the type of document you want to create among all Nuxeo Platform's document types.
1. Click on the New button and click on the desired document on the pop-up.
2. Fill in the document's creation form and click on the Create button.

The Summary tab of the document is displayed.

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On Web UI, the Create button is available from any page in the bottom right corner of the page.
It enables you to select the type of document you want to create among all Nuxeo Platform's document types.
To create a document using the Create button:
1. Click on the button and click on the desired document.
2. Depending on the location specified, the document types available will change.
3. Fill in the document's creation form and click on the Create button.

The View tab of the document is displayed.

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For all previewable documents, a Preview button ( icon) is available on the Document Actions section area (top right on the Web UI document view).
For office and PDF documents:
Click on the icon in the document view.
The preview opens in a popup window.
On the JSF UI, you can find this on the Summary tab of a document, clicking on More > Preview.
The document preview is displayed in a popup window.
On the JSF UI, you can also preview a document along with its main metadata on the Info-View pop-up, accessible from any thumbnail listing.

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On Web UI, all type of documents can be previewed: Audio, PDF, Office, Video, 3D, etc.
A preview button is available at the top right-and corner of each document and below the document itself.
When you click on it, a popup is displayed previewing your document.

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Navigation Tree: The default navigation tree displayed on the left hand side of the pages is the folders navigation tree. It displays all the domain structure from the root. It enables you to easily access any space in the application structure.

Dashboard: Every user has a personal dashboard that displays information he finds relevant and help him have a global view of the application's activity. To access your dashboard, click on the Home main tab. Your dashboard is the default tab of your Home.

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Side Menu: The side menu offers two different tabs.
Clicking on elements on the left will open a side panel (also called Drawer) with the content of the tab selected: browsing options are on the first left column, content to browse on the second and content to view on the main area. This new pattern allows to start browsing without changing the context of work. The side menu displays all the domain structure from the root.

Dashboard: To access your dashboard, click on the icon on the top left hand corner of your platform. It displays a set of boxes, for example, all the workspaces the user can access, the last documents he modified, the last documents that have been published, the pending tasks, etc.

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Default Search: The Search can be accessed at the top in the three main spaces, select the Search tab and it will enable you to search on keywords, metadata and additional criteria such as the location in the application.
Quick Search: The quick search can be accessed from any page. At any time, you can search a document by typing keywords in the search box located at the upper right corner of the page.

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Search Tab: The Search tab can be accessed from the side menu and enables you to search a document using documents metadata You can for instance select metadata of the searched document or the date of specific events such as publication, creation.
Quick search: As in JSF UI, the quick search can be accessed from any page. At any time, you can search a document by typing keywords in the search box located at the upper right corner of the page. The keywords will be highlighted in your query results.

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Two workflows are available by default on the Nuxeo Platform, the serial workflow and the parallel workflow.

You can start them from any document where you have at least Edit or Manage Everything rights. Go on the document that you want, select the workflow needed and click on Start.

A workflow tab is now available on the document, where you will have to select the participants to the review that will have to accept of reject the document.

If the task is assigned to you, different options are available. You can accept or reject the document but you can also, delegate or reassign the task to another coworker.

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The serial workflow and the parallel workflow are also available by default on Web UI. Users who are involved in workflows are alerted by email and can have a synthetic view of all their pending tasks on documents in their dashboard or on the Task tab. The documents they have to review are listed there.
Go on the document that you want to review and click on .

A process button is now displayed on the document.
You now need to select the participants to the review and follow the resolution of the task.
If a task has been assigned to you, the pending task will be available in the Tasks gadget and in the Task tab.

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Users can download documents on their computer. It is possible to download:
- One document at a time
- A selection of document
- An entire workspace, folder, section
The Export button is available at the top right-hand corner of the page, by clicking the icon in the More menu.

From a Document
3 exports are available:
- The PDF export
- The ZIP XML Export
- The XML export

From a Folder
You can export via an XML export or a ZIP Tree XML export.

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As in JSF UI, users can download a single document or a selection of documents on Web UI:

From a Document
- Go to the document you want to download
- Click on the Download button under the preview of your document.
Your document is downloaded on your computer.

From a Folder
- Go to the folder/workspace that you want
- Select several documents
A top bar is displayed with document actions
- Click on the download button
The documents are downloaded as a .zip on your computer.

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