User Documentation

Browsing Content

Updated: October 18, 2024

In order to help you find the documents that you need, the Nuxeo Platform features several options to access, create and edit documents.

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Side Menu

The side menu offers two different tabs. Clicking on elements on the left will open a side panel (also called Drawer) with the content of the selected tab: browsing options are on the first left column, content to browse on the second and content to view on the main area. This new pattern allows to start browsing without changing the context of work. The side menu displays all the domain structure from the root. It enables you to easily access any space in the application structure.


To access your dashboard, click on the icon on the top left hand corner of your platform.

Previewing Documents

Preview action
Preview action

To preview documents, click on the Preview icon Preview action icon.

A pop-up window will display a preview of your document.

Preview pop up
Preview pop up

All type of documents can be previewed: Audio, PDF, Office, Video, 3D, etc.

Browsing Lists of Documents

Users can change the way content is presented in the folderish repositories (workspaces, folders, sections) and search results. They can also change the displayed information.

Changing View Mode

Two views of the content lists are available on the top right corner of your workspace.

  • Table View (default view): This view displays the title of the documents with a small icon (that depends on the type of document or main attachment type) and a set of metadata in a table.

  • Grid View : This view displays a thumbnail of documents. For folders, the thumbnail of the first item in the folder is displayed.

Changing Displayed Information

Lists of documents, whether in grid view or thumbnail view, show some information about the documents, like their title, the last contributor, their type, their lifecycle state, etc. Users can change the information displayed, i.e. the columns for the list view or the information below the document thumbnail in thumbnail view.

To change the information displayed in content views, click on the icon . A pop-up is displayed, select the information that you want to be displayed among the list.

Columns Settings on Web UI
Columns Settings on Web UI

Once it's done click on Close.

The displayed information can also be changed from the Search view.

All information displayed on content views, except document titles, can be filtered at the top of every column.

Once in the view of a document, the side details bar can be collapsed by clicking at the top of the sidebar.

Document View with sidebar
Document View with sidebar

It enables you to have a more focused view on the document preview.

Document view collapsed sidebar
Document view collapsed sidebar


Adding the Flags column will display if the document is under Retention, Legal Hold, Cold storage, or if it's a Favorite.

Flags favorites
Flags favorites

Keyboard Shortcuts

Some actions or features are accessible using keyboard shortcuts:

  • c: Create
  • d: Dashboard
  • s: Search
  • shift + /: Search

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